• Adam Del Duca
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  • If you've been thinking of starting a YouTube channel read this

If you've been thinking of starting a YouTube channel read this

The real reason to start YouTube...

16 days.

16 days from now, I'm going to be embarking on one of the largest milestones of my life.

What is that milestone?

My honeymoon.

Whenever you hear people talking about honeymoons, you hear them talking about all the romance and adventure that it involves.

Well, I’m sure that will be the same for me, but what people fail to tell you is how damn expensive it is.

Over the last few months, my fiancée and I have been planning out exactly what we want to do on our European cruise.

From spending afternoons on catamarans to taking tours of some of the most beautiful cities in Europe, we definitely have a lot in store.

But with all these activities, obviously comes an immense price tag.

Me being the accountant that I am, obviously, I’ve been tracking things down to the penny to figure out just how much this romantic getaway will really cost us.

After tallying up the cost of flights, the cruise itself, excursions, and of course, spending money for the trip, we're looking at roughly $20,000.

Unless your name is Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos, that's a lot of money to spend on just two weeks away.

But anything for love, right?

While I'm sure this is going to be two weeks that I'll never forget, the sad part about this is that I've had many friends get married in the last few years and not be able to take advantage of this special moment in their relationship.


Because after planning a wedding, being able to afford to go anywhere just simply isn’t within their means.

And as you know, life moves fast, and things get forgotten, and this romantic getaway simply never ends up taking place.

Quite frankly, there's no way that on my old 9-to-5 salary alone I'd be able to save up the money for a wedding plus a honeymoon.

Even if you're making low six figures at your job, which many of my friends are, they still struggle to save a couple of thousand dollars a month.

Which would result in them needing to save for almost a year to be able to afford to go on a cruise like the one we're going on.

Fortunately, I had a sense that this would be the case many years ago when I first started on YouTube while working in management consulting.

When those raises weren't getting me ahead, I realized that I might need to take things into my own hands, and quite frankly, I'm super glad that I did.

While I didn't start making money overnight, I did eventually start to crack the YouTube code and turn it into a lucrative income stream.

Just this one video alone has made me enough money to take my fiancée and me on our honeymoon later this month.

Now, if you start a channel today, will you be pumping out viral videos like these right away?

Of course not.

But in the same way where, over time, you scale up your income at your job, you can also scale up your skill set on YouTube, which will allow you to make more money as you progress.

Once you’re proficient, producing these types of results will become more and more common, allowing you to have more control over your income and start to make the money that will really allow you to live the life that you want.

Note: I have opened up 10 new spots inside Tube Academy. If you want to work with me directly to grow and monetize your own YouTube channel, reply back “Tube” and I’ll send you the details.

Until tomorrow,
