The YouTube Strategy NO ONE Is Talking About

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It's going to suck to hear this, but most high-level YouTube channel owners gatekeep a lot of their secrets—from how they find the cheapest freelancers to work with, to maximizing the views that each video generates.

Needless to say there are definitely levels to the YouTube game.

Well, today I'm about to share with you a YouTube strategy that few people ever talk about, which runs counter to most of the advice that you hear online.

You see, most people will tell you that you need to focus on quality over quantity when it comes to building a YouTube channel, and I strongly agree with this advice 99% of the time.

The reason I stand behind this notion is because when you focus on quality, you're more likely to see an increase in the number of views each subsequent video generates.

This is the feedback that most people need to continue progressing along their YouTube journey, versus quitting when they see their views stagnate instead.

However, there is another approach that one can take to grow their channel successfully, and while it isn't pretty, it can be rather effective. This is what I call the Brute Force approach.

A great example of a channel that employs this approach is Mind Machines.

As you can see, this channel struggles to generate a few thousand views per video.

And while you would imagine that, at this level of viewership, this channel is barely making any money, when you look at its overall monthly statistics, it is generating well over $5,000 per month.

How are they able to achieve such a feat?

They do so by employing brute force.

What I mean by this is that once they find a particular angle of a video that works, they keep doubling down on it and seeing what else will stick.

Here's an example of the strategy in action.

You can see here that they eventually found a winning topic and then simply kept recreating a very similar video with slightly different packaging.

These videos, which are still generating views nine months later, are what allow this channel to generate just under one million views per month.

Now, to be clear, this doesn't mean that you can just continually shoot from the hip and start to make $5,000 or more per month.

What you need to do is use proper ideation strategies to come up with those few winning topics that you can then double down on.

From here, it just simply comes down to iterating based on what's working and driving as much volume of videos as possible.

While many of them will struggle to generate any significant amount of views, it's those 20% of videos that will end up making you 80% of your channel's income, as seen in this channel's example.

Therefore, while the YouTube elite will continue to gatekeep some of their best-kept secrets, today we let one out into the wild, and I hope you use it to your benefit going forward.

Until tomorrow,


P.S. If you want to work together in October to grow and monetize your own YouTube channel by joining Tube Academy, reply back “Tube” to get the details and put your name on the waitlist.