The YouTube Strategy NO ONE Is Talking About

If you’ve been creating content on YouTube you’ve likely already noticed that achieving success is not as easy as slapping together a video and uploading it

You have to craft intriguing titles, eye-catching thumbnails, find offers to promote and the list goes on

However, before you do any of that you need an idea

Your video idea will make or break the success of your content

From my many years on YouTube, I’ve come to realize the following:

Good production value + bad video idea = poor performing video

Amazing video idea + mediocre production value = high performing video

Put another way, the idea behind your video means a lot

This is why novel video ideas like the following exploded many YouTube channels in the past year

How neat of an idea is it to learn directly from millionaires as to how they made their money!

So clearly you need to know how to find compelling video ideas

But they also need to be niche-relevant

You can’t be upload makeup tutorial videos to your audience who’s primarily interested in investing

So how do you find video ideas for your channel?

Video ideas that you audience is going to love…

While you can use tools like VIDIQ to find trending videos and Tubebuddy to identify search terms which I talk about in Tube Freedom you can also use the following approach

In your YouTube Studio, you have a full dashboard of analytics

Under the Audience tab you have access to incredible insights that you can use to generate winning video ideas

The section of this tab that you will want to review in detail is the “What your audience watches” section

This display will show you exactly what videos your audience is watching and on which channels

So, how do you use this information?

First, you can see which channels your audience enjoys and study their:

  • Branding

  • Titles

  • Thumbnails

  • Upload frequency etc.

You can also identify crack videos on their channels which I talk about in-depth in Tube Freedom

Why use this approach to generate video ideas?

YouTube is a game trial and error

People post videos, study the results and iterate over time

Fortunately, you can learn from others wins and losses and streamline your results

See what videos on other channels performed well and emulate them on your own channel

Add your own opinions, insights and flavour

But first start by using your analytics as your guide

This will make finding video ideas significantly easier

And streamline your path to YouTube success

Until next week,


When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch