Did YouTube Rip Off Starbucks?

This opened my eyes to the power of YouTube...

The other day my fiancée was kind enough to buy me a Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew

While I sipped my over-priced drink ($8 each…ouch!), I had a realization

YouTube and Starbucks are oddly alike!

No, YouTube doesn’t serve delicious liquid caffeine like Starbucks does

And while they do serve another drug (dopamine) that many people crave daily

What the two have in common is their ability to generate recurring revenue

If you’re a coffee drinker (like I am) then you know you don’t just drink coffee one day

Then never pick it up again

You’re either a coffee drinker and it become a habit, or you’re not

This means there’s a constant need for coffee in your life

And often times retailers like Starbucks are the ones to serve it to you

As such, companies like Starbucks have customers that return day after day after day

Making the business more and more money (which I contribute to often)

What’s better than a company that sells one-time products?

Yes, you guessed it!

Companies that re-sell the same product again and again and again!

With YouTube, the same principle applies

You make a video once, and then it continues to pay you over time

For example, my video “How I Tricked My Brain To Like Doing Hard Things”

Made me $9,975.11 in the first month

$15,899.20 in the second month

And so on and so forth

Creating a recurring stream of revenue

Now sure, not all your videos are going to make you $1,000s monthly

But wouldn’t it be nice to have a video pay you $150 monthly and cover a date night?

Then another paying you $200 a month covering gas

When you relate YouTube earnings to day-to-day expenses you can see how having a cashflowing channel can improve your financial state

Therefore, if you are thinking of building an asset online

Consider one that will sit on a platform like YouTube

Which provides your content with the longevity it deserves

So you can produce videos and get paid indefinitely

Ps. All the channel review slots have been taken

If you wanted a review but missed out

You can put your name on the waitlist here

Until tomorrow,
