The YouTube Cheat Code You Need To Try ASAP

Don't ignore this one...

Have you ever experienced the power of a cheat code before?

I remember growing up; I would spend countless hours in my youth playing Pokémon.

One of my earliest memories of getting incredibly upset was trying to beat a particular boss and getting smoked each and every time.

That's what led me to look into Pokémon cheat codes to level up my Pokémon and have them whip some gym leader butt.

While these cheat codes were incredibly powerful in my gaming endeavors early on in my life, they're also incredible tools to use along your own YouTube journey.

You see, while there's no YouTube strategy that works 100% of the time, there are certainly many best practices that you can use to significantly increase the chances that your videos will perform much better than they currently are.

And one of the cheat codes that you can start using right now is leveraging opposition topics.

If you've been studying the YouTube platform for a while, you'll probably know that there are many videos leveraging the topic "How good is/was X person actually?"

Usually, these videos center around celebrities like athletes and movie stars, as the videos outline just how much of an outlier these particular people are in their respective domains.

This one topic format alone has catapulted numerous channels in many different niches.

But, as you know, as supply in the market increases, the value of said topics eventually goes down.

This is why using opposition topics can be incredibly powerful.

Here's an example to illustrate one right here.

As you can see, the example goes against the commonly used topic of how good X person is by stating how bad X person is actually.

We've already proven demand around people learning how successful individuals are compared to their peers, but flipping the script can also be incredibly powerful and add new supply to the market.

Therefore, when you're approaching your next set of videos, think about where the demand exists in the market and if using a counterexample could allow you to differentiate yourself and gain more market attention.

For instance, if you run a channel about improving studying habits, instead of highlighting those that are the most effective, share those that tend to be the least effective, even if they go against counterculture.

This approach is well-positioned to add novel content to the market, which is what you want to do as you're trying to gain more traction on the platform.

Give this strategy a try and let me know how it goes.

Until tomorrow,
