• Adam Del Duca
  • Posts
  • How YouTube changed my life (and how it can change yours too)

How YouTube changed my life (and how it can change yours too)

Here's some raw truth...

There are certain moments that change the trajectory of your life.

Some of those moments for me have been:

Deciding to change schools in high school, which led me to making some of the best friends that I have today;

Deciding to swipe right on Tinder, which led me to the wife I have today;

And, of course, being frustrated with my 2% raise at work, which led me to start multiple successful YouTube channels.

The funny part about that third moment and the results that have come from it is that the main benefits of building the channels that I’ve enjoyed are not what you probably think.

Most people would think that it's the YouTube play buttons or the hundreds of thousands of dollars in ad revenue that I've earned on YouTube. But the main benefits of having started many years ago are actually quite different.

In reality, the number one benefit that I've enjoyed from building multiple channels on YouTube is my current level of awareness of what's possible when it comes to making money online.

You see, I think the number one thing that holds most people back from living the financial life that they desire is being unaware of the most efficient ways of making more money.

For example, when most people think of trying to make a bit of extra money in their life, they naturally default to trying to get a raise or promotion at work or picking up a side hustle that requires you to trade your time for money, like driving for Uber or picking up a second job.

Fortunately, I had not only the time but also the interest in building a YouTube channel in my twenties and seeing where it would go.

Not only has this led me to the amount of money that I alluded to above, but ultimately it led me to the position that I'm in today—with a fairly large audience on Twitter and on Instagram, which encapsulates the majority of my personal brand online.

So, in the same way that we start to crawl as babies, which leads us to walking and then running, your own YouTube journey could just be the first step in the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars that you'll end up making online.

I know that's been the case for me, and it can definitely be the case for you.

I know it's probably hard for you to read this right now and picture yourself making that type of money online (especially if you’ve never made a single dollar online before.)

But I was once in your exact same position— not knowing exactly what the next step to take was, and having no idea if things were actually going to work out or not.

Fortunately, I'm more stubborn than the average person, and that level of stubbornness led me to the results that you see in front of you.

Therefore, if right now you're not sure if you should go full tilt on trying to make an income online, I totally understand your hesitation.

But the monetization of your channel or the thousands of dollars that you end up making per month may just be the crack in the dam to a financial future that you never knew you had the potential to live.

At least, that's what happened for me…

Until tomorrow,
