• Adam Del Duca
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  • Is YouTube the best side hustle in 2024? The truth...

Is YouTube the best side hustle in 2024? The truth...

Here it is...

Do you remember when you were a kid and you would complain to your parents that you were bored?

I bet you wish these days that you had that same luxury of time.

Chances are one of the reasons you don't is because of how damn expensive things have gotten these days—so much so that 54% of Americans have to work a side hustle on top of their nine-to-five job.

If you ask me, this is one of the saddest statistics out there.


It's not because people are making more money, but because people are feeling forced to work extra on top of their 9-5 jobs.

Subtracting from the time they have to enjoy the finer things in life, like spending time with their family, their friends, and working on their health.

So if you are in a position where you either need a side hustle because of the rising cost of living or simply want one because you want to get ahead, then it's critical that you weigh out which paths will serve you best.

For instance, you can start driving for Uber tomorrow, but you will lock yourself in a perpetual grind of trading time for money, likely the same approach that hasn't gotten you as far as you'd want at your 9-5 job.

So, taking that same approach as a side hustle is probably not going to fare any better.

This is why I'm so adamant about people exploring or pursuing an income online.

Because unlike at your 9-5 job, when you're building an online business, you have so much more flexibility. If you're lacking a particular skill or you simply don't want to trade all of your free time for money, you can hire those with the skills that you need or simply the time to help you generate the income you desire.

This is most notably seen on YouTube.

If you've never edited a video in your life or your voice is as cringey as mine, then you don't have to take on these roles on your channel.

The best part?

That's not going to stop you from making money online. In fact, it's actually going to speed things up.

As I shared with you last week, one of the best ways of streamlining your path to YouTube money is to outsource part or all of your video production process.

This will allow your videos to scale up to the quality they need to be in order to generate the watch time required to not only join the YouTube Partner Program but to be recommended across the platform.

This is why I feel strongly that YouTube may be one of the best side hustles out there right now.

Now, obviously, I haven't tried every single side hustle, and I am biased because it's the one that I've been successful at.

But given that you can separate your time from the money you earn, and there's no need to deal with stubborn suppliers or the management of inventory, this income model is one that can give you that financial boost that you either want or need.

The YouTube side hustle has worked for Austin, allowing him to make $1,800 a month from his channel while working a busy nine-to-five job and having two young kids to take care of.

How's that even possible?

Because of the flexibility that running your own YouTube channel offers.

Therefore, if life is pushing you in a direction where you feel like you need a side hustle or just want one to get ahead, then consider dabbling in the world of YouTube.

If it can work for people like Austin and myself, it can definitely work for you.

Until tomorrow,
