YouTube Advice You Need To Learn IMMEDIATELY

Use this strategy to skyrocket your views...

When you think back to high school, what comes to mind?

For me, it’s partying, skipping class and cramming for exams

While we won’t delve into those first two memories

The third, upon reflection, can teach us a ton about YouTube

How so?

You’re about to find out…

Back in high school I had what I like to call a “study strategy”

Here’s how it worked…

I would leave my assignments to the last minute

Build up a massive amount of urgency (the night before the due date)

Then blast through my work

Resulting in higher grades than you’d expect

Okay fine, maybe I was just a procrastinator

But that doesn’t mean that there’s a lesson hidden inside my high school study tactic

You see, when you feel that sense of urgency, you have no other choice but to act

In school, if I didn’t buckle down I would have failed my assignment

Which in high school basically feels like your entire life is over…

After employing this strategy time and again, I learned the following…

Urgency —→ action

Funny enough, this lesson directly translates to YouTube

And how you can start skyrocketing your views


By adding time relevancy to your titles

Here’s an example:

If you look at the title, it prompts viewers to click by adding the action word (HURRY)

As if there’s a penalty or a missed opportunity that will be incurred if you don’t watch now…

Seems silly but tactics like these work quite well

Because if this recent crypto bull run has taught us anything

People do not enjoy the feeling of missing out

But maybe you don’t want to use these scare tactics to generate more views

I respect that…

But that doesn’t mean you can’t use timeliness to attract more viewers…

For instance, you can add a year stamp to your video to indicate to viewers that the information in your video is presently relevant

Here’s an example:

Clearly someone will be much more interested in a video about 2024 business ideas than one from a prior year (adding more perceived value to the prospective viewer)

Therefore, your video’s title doesn’t just add topical context

It also nudges a viewer to click

Which is ultimately what we want, right?

If you feel like you need a bit more guidance along your YouTube journey

My in-depth video program Six-Figure Tuber is 50% off today. I’m opening up 5 copies at this price. Get it here.

Until tomorrow,
