• Adam Del Duca
  • Posts
  • If you're tired of struggling on YouTube read this...

If you're tired of struggling on YouTube read this...

Don't skip over this email...

I know this is probably going to shock you, but I'll say it anyway: I never got drafted into the NBA.

Maybe it was the fact that I'm only 5'9" or the fact that I've really never played basketball in my life, but here we are.

I'm 32, and I still haven't gotten that call…

I know what you're thinking: What the hell are you talking about, Adam?

Where I'm going with this analogy is that it's your skills that will dictate the level of success that you achieve.

Similar to the NBA only recruiting the best players, the same thing can be said about YouTube.

If right now your videos are struggling to get the viewership that you want, then it is most likely due to a lack of skill in the ideation, production, or packaging of your videos.

For instance, you may be ideating based on what you think people want to watch without having a true pulse on where demand lies in the market.

Alternatively, you may not be at the point where you can successfully craft engaging YouTube scripts in a reliable and consistent manner.

These deficiencies and many others that exist are the causes of slow or stagnant growth on YouTube. Now, when you notice these deficiencies, there are two approaches that you can take:

The first is developing the skills that you need to plug these deficiencies.

The second is outsourcing these deficiencies by hiring team members to help you build your channel.

After working with numerous students, I can tell you firsthand that the latter will almost always result in faster results for your channel.

Why is that the case? Because not only will you be going through the process of learning YouTube strategy, but you will also have to start cultivating scriptwriting, voice-over, and editing skills at the same time.

So while you can achieve a high-quality video through outsourcing in a matter of days or weeks, it can easily take you 6 months or longer to start becoming proficient at all of these different components required to make a high-quality video.

Therefore, if you feel like your videos are stalling out in terms of viewership, then have an honest conversation with yourself.

Consider which aspects of your video creation process seem to be lagging and look at outside options when it comes to getting those components made.

Putting a couple of missing pieces in place can absolutely be the difference between the lackluster channel you have now and one that ends up lining your pockets each and every month.

Until tomorrow,


P.S. I am opening up new spots inside Tube Academy Oct 1. If you want the details and to put your name on the waitlist, reply back “Tube” and I’ll email you.