• Adam Del Duca
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  • Why You're Not Making Money on YouTube (Stop Doing This)

Why You're Not Making Money on YouTube (Stop Doing This)

Do NOT Make This Mistake

- Read until the end for a very special announcement -

Let’s say I showed you a YouTube channel with 3.5M subscribers

How many views do you think they would be generating per video?




What if I told you it was on average just 15,000 views?

That would be pretty strange, right?

That means that their videos are only reaching an audience that’s 0.5% of their total number of subscribers

To me, when I see situations like this I know that these channels have absolutely messed up

And that they are totally ignorant to the concept of Niche Alignment

If you’re unfamiliar, Niche Alignment is the uniformity of topics on your channel

It means that if you are a keto channel, that’s all you talk about

If you’re a dividend investing channel then all your videos relate to this topic

Why is that important? Because it maximizes returning viewers as you build an audience with one core topic of interest

Where some channels go wrong is ignoring this concept

And then they end up with a weak view baseline

Take the example channel Improvement Pill

3.59 million subscribers generating 15,000 views per video

Why? The videos are actually quite good

The trouble is that someone subscribing to learn about rejection may not want to watch content about becoming confident or learning about the “Liking Gap”

This means that they ignore these video recommendations and stop getting recommended Improvement Pill’s content

Leading to what we call “Ghost Subscribers”

Now, here’s an example of channel content done right

Daniel is someone I’ve advised in the past and a friend who was able to quit his 9-5 job thanks to his very successful credit card YouTube channel

You can see that he doesn’t scatter his topics, they all relate to one subject: credit cards

This allows him to generate more views per video than one with 3.59M subscribers

So, if you’re not making money on YouTube, it could be because you have ignored the concept of niche alignment

However, this is just one of the things people get wrong in their quest in making money on YouTube

To help streamline your path to YouTube growth and monetization I am releasing my brand new YouTube Automation Guide called Tube Tactics: The Complete Blueprint To Making $5,000/mo With YouTube Automation

Inside is all my knowledge from over 5 years of making money on YouTube. These strategies have helped myself and numerous students scale up their channels to $1,000s a month.

If you want to be collecting checks from YouTube before the end of 2024 then you can grab your copy of Tube Tactics here:

Talk soon,
