• Adam Del Duca
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  • You’re Not Bad At YouTube: You Just Haven't Tried THIS

You’re Not Bad At YouTube: You Just Haven't Tried THIS

There are three types of creators on YouTube

In a minute, you’re going to find out which one you are…

First, we have Creator A

Creator A gets all excited about building a following and “making money online”

So they start making videos and after about 10-12 videos they quit

They simply couldn’t handle the slow grind and disappointment that comes with starting any new business

Next, we have Creator B

Creator B has the right mindset for YouTube success

They know that it will take time to grow and are committed to making YouTube work

They select their niche, publish videos and stick with it for years

They grow a decent following and earn a few $1,000 a month

By the way, if this is you then you’re ahead of about 99% of channels

Finally, we have Creator C

Creator C is an expert YouTuber who focuses on two primary things when starting a channel:

  1. Niche

  2. Clickthrough Rates

For their niche, they pick something that is of extreme interest on the platform

They also spend 90% of their time perfecting their titles and thumbnails

The Creator C type are those that are making $10,000s per month…

What’s crazy though is how fast Creator C can start a profitable channel then their strategy is employed

Here’s an example…

The channel Offside Football creates viral soccer videos that generate hundreds of thousands of views

As at the time I’m writing this email, they’re generating almost 13 million views per month

Assuming a $5RPM (Revenue Per Mille), they’d be making $60,000+ per month

Now, you may be thinking, “that must have taken them years to amount to”

If you thought that, you’d be wrong…

This channel started in December making it only a few months old…

So, how did it become so successful?

First, the niche. Soccer exploded in popularity even more after the World Cup so this content was primed for high amounts of viewer traffic

Second, the channel’s thumbnails and titles are top-tier

Thumbnails like these are pretty hard to ignore…

So if you’re just starting out a channel, you really have to have these two elements dialled in…

That’s why in my new one-on-one program Tube Launch, I give you 5 validated niches to choose from so you grow faster and monetize sooner.

If right now you’re not gaining the traction on the platform that you want, assess the attractiveness of your niche and how enticing your titles and thumbnails are

As you can see, these two elements can make a world of a difference!

Until next week,


Start an automated, faceless channel today:

E-Book: Tube Automate

Video Course: Tube Freedom

Earn your first $25,000 or $100,000 on YouTube:

E-Book: Tube Ignite

Video Course: Six-Figure Tuber

Work with me 1-on-1 to build your own channel from scratch: Tube Launch