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You’re BLEEDING Views If You're Not Using THIS YouTube Trick

On YouTube there is a golden rule

Understanding and implementing this rule guarantees your YouTube success

What is that rule?

The more money you make YouTube, the more money you make yourself…

As a beginner, this concept was hard for me to understand

I figured that I just had to show up daily, try my best and YouTube would reward me

While consistency did play a part in my own YouTube success

Understanding the intentions of the platform did more for my channels than I could have believed…

What many people forget is that YouTube is a business

It’s a business that’s in the business of making money money

One of the primary ways it does this is by selling ad space to companies

You know those annoying ads you see before, during and after a video?

That’s YouTube making money…

And the more ads they show, the more money they make

So, where do you fall into YouTube’s money making plan?

Simple, you make videos that offer YouTube the ability to serve ads to users

The more watch time your videos get, the more ads played on your videos

The more ads played on your videos, the more love YouTube will show you

That’s why in Tube Freedom I talk about the importance of ideas, structuring and storytelling with respect to audience retention

Sadly through, amongst the 100s of students I’ve worked with I keep seeing people make one costly mistake…

This mistake is costing them views, watch time and a ton of progress

What is that mistake?

Misuing their video end screens…

What I see most commonly are creators asking for 1001 things at the end of their videos

They will say, “make sure to like, comment, subscribe, wash my car, call your mom and head on over to my website to buy my product” all in one breath…

Most viewers can only handle executing one engagement at a time

It’s in my opinion that the best call to action for watch time is to send your viewers to another related video…

This is a tip that Ed at Film Booth has absolutely mastered…

Click on the video above to watch the last 10 second of his most popular video

See how he entices his audience to watch another one of his videos…

By selling another view, Ed keeps people on his videos longer

This tells YouTube that Ed is generating the company more watch time

More watch time means more eyeballs on ads and more money for YouTube

And as I said in the beginning, when you make YouTube money

YouTube rewards you

It’s no wonder this video has 2.5 million views…

Before I leave you today, let me share a few examples to really drive this concept home

Let’s say you run a productivity channel

You make a video called “10 productivity hacks of the world’s richest people”

The last point is how they work with their phone in another room to remain focused

At the end of the video you could say…

“Over the last 7 days I tried working with my phone in another room and if you want to see just how powerful this productivity hack truly is then click on this video here”

Another example could relate to a car channel

You make a video called “10 fastest cars built in the 1990s”

At the end of the video you could say…

“As you can see there were some insanely fast cars built in the 1990s but if you want to see how they compare to cars built today you’re going to want to watch this video next”

This concept right here is what I call “linking”

It’s how channels turn 1 view into 2

And when this compounds over the course of all your videos

Your watch time, session time and bank balance will all start to increase

TLDR: Don’t neglect your end screens

Until next week,


 When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch