You'll Quit Your Job When You Learn THIS...

Hate your job? This may help you out...

Today is Monday

What does this mean?

It means tha if you’re like the majority of adults

Then today is a workday for you

For some people this is no big deal

But for many others, this is just the start of another slog of a week

Sadly, from a purely statistical perspective, you probably fall into this latter group

The group that sees their job as more of a curse than a blessing

And if you are in this group, you’re certainly not alone…

Article after article highlights people’s growing discontent with their job

Now, unfortunately I can’t save you from having to go into work tomorrow

But what I can do is share with you a work-related YouTube strategy

That you can begin to employ to not only grow your own channel faster

But maybe even turn that channel into your job one day!

Recently, I was recommended the following video:

As you can see, it’s a massive outlier on a relatively small channel

But how did this video generate such high viewership?

Because it perfectly combined two things: pain and relatability…

First, let’s talk about pain

As I alluded to before, most people dislike their job (the stats don’t lie!)

And this video highlights how the creator was able to alleviate that pain

Quitting her 9-5 job, a goal many prospective viewers would also love to do

On YouTube, solving people’s pain points via your videos is a reliable means of generating attention

And Mako does this well with her video

But there’s another element in place that really takes this video to the next level

It’s the video’s relatability

While there are many people who want to leave their jobs

Most don’t even have a clue of how they will do it

In other words, they don’t have a plan…

Why does this matter? It matters because this video is positioned to tell the story

Of a woman who left her job without a backup plan

This element in the title makes the video more accessible to its target audience

As it removes barriers for application

Put another way, it’s not saying that she needed to get 4 more degrees and a $50,000 mentor in order to successfully quit her job

It was easy…she just quit!

So beyond the title and thumbnail best practices I share with my students in Tube Academy

It’s important to make your videos relatable to those you intend to target

Remember, YouTube success is driven by human behaviour

And the more you connect with others interests and needs

The faster you’ll grow…

Until tomorrow,
