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The WORST Thing That Can Happen To Your YouTube Channel

Avoid this if you want to make money on YouTube for years to come...

Take a moment and ask yourself this

What would be the absolutely worst thing that could happen to your YouTube channel?

The channel getting de-monetized?

The channel getting hacked?

The channel getting terminated?

All good responses but all pale in comparison to the one I’m about to share…

You see, as a platform, YouTube is evolving all the time

And who are some of the drivers of that change?

The channel owners themselves

Channels are always finding new ways to present their videos or are coming up with remarkable ideas

Leading to fast growth and large inflows of income

What does that mean for other, existing channels?

It means adapt or get left behind

And despite how horrific getting a copyright strike is

Or getting your channel demonetized

Nothing compares to having a cashflowing channel one day

And an obsolete channel the next…

Take for example the channel Brainy Dose

Years ago the channel was 50,000+ views a video or more

And generating millions of views and $10,000s a month

Today, many videos struggle to get over 10,000 views…

Why is that the case?

Because the channel failed to set up a moat around their channel

If you’re unfamiliar, a moat is defined as:

“A moat is a deep, broad ditch, either dry or filled with water, that is dug and surrounds a castle, fortification, building, or town, historically to provide it with a preliminary line of defence.

It’s that last part that’s important “line of defence”

As a channel on YouTube, you need to protect your market share in some way

This is why in Tube Academy I teach my student the three best ways to create a moat or line of defense around your channel

Because when you have no moat, you have little way of fending off others

For example, if you use the most common editing style possible

Then anyone and their grandmother can compete with you

This is why there are few channels as successful as Mr. Beast

Because basically no one else has both the YouTube experience and capital to compete with him…

So your goal when starting a channel (or running one presently) is to find a way to separate your content from the rest

That is if you want to ensure your channel continues to pay you for years to come…

Chat tomorrow,
