The Worst Part About Making Money On YouTube

Absolutely no one will tell you this...

It’s the 21st of the month and another YouTube check comes rolling in

Life is good!

Or, at least you thought it was…

It was good until you realized that you’d be hand-drying your underwear for the day…

Wait, what?

Long-story short, last week my fiancée yelled upstairs at me that her clothes in the dryer were still wet, even after running the machine a couple times

Weird, I thought…

So, me being Mr. Fix-It (in my mind at least), went downstairs to investigate

After pressing a few buttons and scratching my head I had come to a conclusion - the dryer was broken…

Now, if you haven’t purchased a dryer lately let me get you up to speed

They are not cheap…

You’re easily looking at $1,000 for a new dryer

And while finding out about this mishap annoyed me at first it did make me think

Before, when I was totally reliant on a 9-5 job that $1,000 for a new dryer meant a few months of savings evaporating infront of my eyes

Not exactly the most fun way of spending your hard earned cash, am I right?

But with an additional income stream in place, the burden of this broken appliance became much more bearable

Sure, it still sucks to have to replace it but it doesn’t impede me from:

  • Still going out with friends

  • Buying my fiancée gifts

  • Putting savings aside for retirement

My YouTube income is like a safety blanket for my life and mental well-being

So, the worst part about making money on YouTube is that, unlike what the gurus what you to believe, is that your YouTube income won’t always be spent on:

  • Expensive dinners

  • Exotic vacations

  • Fancy cars

That income will be used for real day to day expenses

It’s not sexy but it sure helps when you’re staring at bunch of wet clothes sitting in your broken dryer…

Until tomorrow,
