Why you will NEVER make money on YouTube

I didn't want to have to say this but...

Picture your life five years from now.

You're making five figures every single month.

You have zero stress about your bills.

And you've cut down your time to retirement by over 10 years.

That’d be a pretty great life, wouldn't it?

What's crazy about this hypothetical situation is that most people could actually achieve this day-to-day lifestyle if it weren't for the one thing that's holding them back.

Surprisingly enough, it's not their level of intelligence or their capacity to work hard that's holding them back from making money online.

I mean, I've been able to make hundreds of thousands of dollars on YouTube, and I'm far from being the sharpest tool in the shed.

What's holding most people back is time.

Let me explain, because if you don't understand this concept, you'll never be able to start making money on YouTube.

Most people fail in their quest to make money on YouTube because of two issues relating to time.

First, they think that running a YouTube channel is so time-consuming that they could never fit it into their day-to-day lifestyle, and as such, they never even get started.

As you can imagine, it's pretty hard to make money on YouTube when you don't ever set up a channel or release any videos.

Now, the second obstacle that people face as it relates to time is poor time management.

They know that they need to consume YouTube education in order to avoid wasting precious time and money making videos.

And they also know that they need to be at least moderately involved in running their channel on a week-to-week basis.

Yet, they simply can't put together a simple routine that will allow them to meet all their YouTube obligations and continue to grow and monetize their channel over time.

If you're someone who's been on the fence about starting a YouTube channel and think that there's no way you can do it given the life demands that you have right now,

Then you're going to want to pay close attention to the example that I'm about to share with you.

You see, for the last few months, I've been working with my student Austin, who owns the YouTube channel Militology (listen to his full student success story here)

After working together for three months, we were able to scale up his channel to $1,800 per month turning his military-centric content into a reliable income stream.

Now, Austin could have been like most other people and made excuses as to why he couldn't build a YouTube channel.

Austin works at one of the most demanding companies in the United States, and he also has a partner and two kids.

Despite this, he's been able to consistently produce one high-quality video each and every week and has scaled his channel to over 500,000 views per month.

How did he do it?

Simple—he set up a system that would allow him to consistently produce content at a high quality.

Now, does he make each and every video in its entirety by himself?

Of course not, because like we just alluded to, he's a busy guy who knows that he needs to build an extra stream of income to be able to give his family the life that they deserve.

So, his role is to simply identify winning topics based on the ideation principles I taught him and then review the videos once they're complete.

This allows him to leverage the editing and scriptwriting expertise of his team while still lining his pockets with profits every single month.

Not to mention, he's able to monetize his passion, which is military history, and speed up his path to financial freedom.

Therefore, if right now you feel like time is your biggest enemy in making money on YouTube, just know that there are so many ways that can be approached.

If you have over 10 hours per week, you can start making all the videos yourself.

If you have between 5-10 hours per week, you can do part of the work yourself and outsource the rest.

And if you have less than five hours per week, you can outsource like Austin does and still take home an appreciable amount of profits each and every month.

That's the cool part about running an automated YouTube channel.

It's flexible, so no matter which way your life goes in the future, you'll always be able to consistently upload content that will allow you to grow and monetize your channel.

Because we're not trying to make money on YouTube for the next six months; we're trying to do it for at least the next six years.

Until tomorrow,


P.S. Tube Academy enrolment is open (2 spots claimed, 8 spots now remain). If you want to learn more reply back “Tube” for details.