Why it's not about you

Harsh but true...

You may not know this about me but I’m an only child

And as an only child, we tend to think that the world revolves around us


Because for most of our lives it did…

That is until we became adults

And then we realized that people are paying less attention to us than we think

For instance, at 32, I can tell you that I am a passing thought in even my best of friend’s minds

And that’s okay

In fact, it’s actually freeing…

No one is really thinking of me so I can just go about my way

Writing these daily emails

Posting “inspirational” videos on Instagram

And tweeting my heart out on X

While this sentiment is freeing

It’s critical to understand from the perspective of running a YouTube channel

While you may think that the world wants to watch your video on “my take on remote work”

They don’t - trust me they don’t…

The reality is that until you have a massive personal brand

No one really cares what your personal take is on anything

And realizing this is a huge unlock for those wanting to grow on YouTube


Because it forces you to start positioning your videos around topics people actually care about

Take for example Greg Doucette:

With over 2 million subscriber he could easily share his own takes on any topic he desires

But what does he do instead?

He creates content around the biggest figures in his space


Because they are individuals of higher interest

Meaning that more people will want to watch those videos

It’s the same reason that people are 1000x more likely to watch a video about Messi or Ronaldo

Than you talking about your grade 10 soccer team…

Therefore, understand that on YouTube it’s not about you

It’s about the interests of those you want to serve

Learn what topics, people and causes they care about

Then create content around it

It’s the quickest path to the YouTube growth you desire…

Happy Sunday,
