Why it's all a lie

This was eye-opening

February has been a great month

Not only did I pull off another successful Valentine’s day

But I got to spend 10 days in sunny Aruba with my wife

However, something weird happened while I was away

You see, for the last year I’ve been working with a nutritionist

He’s got me eating 1-ingredient foods only

Potatoes, lettuce, carrots, beef etc.

In an effort to optimize my energy and eliminate any brain fog

I have to say it’s helped but hasn’t turned me into Superman…

Going into my trip, I was starting to get concerned that I would lose all my progress

And that during the trip I would be feeling lethargic and confused due to all the eating out

Here’s what happened…

On the trip, I ate out every single night

Pasta, tacos, drinks etc.

It was a caloric nightmare

But guess what? I felt absolutely amazing

Perfect sleeps, great energy, no brain fog…

And it made me think, maybe I’m approaching my wellness the wrong way

Maybe not sitting at a computer 12 hours a day and getting sunlight is the remedy I needed

Not eating 2lbs of potatoes a day…

This experiment made me realize that there’s often a better solution to the problems we are facing

I first realized this when I was working in management consulting

Getting paid just enough to get by…

Instead of taking the linear path of climbing up the corporate ladder

Which would have led me to making an extra few $1,000 a year

I took an alternate path of building online which has resulted countless $1,000 days…

So if right now you’re trying to fix your health, relationships or finances

Examine what you’re doing, what’s working and what isn’t

Then expand your horizons to see what other opportunities exist out there

Doing this 5+ years ago has allowed me to make enough money to:

  • Stop stressing about bills

  • Travel 3+ times a year

  • Buy my car cash etc.

TLDR: Sun is good and start building online today

Chat tomorrow,


P.S. I am opening up 5 exclusives spots inside Tube Academy in March. If you want to skip the line and get the details today, reply “exclusive” and I’ll send them over.