• Adam Del Duca
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  • What making $450 a day on YouTube actually looks like

What making $450 a day on YouTube actually looks like

You may be surprised

Imagine your YouTube channel makes $450

How would your life change?

Probably not very much

At best, that $450 would pay for a couple nights out

Or a week’s worth of groceries…

But make $450+ per day and all of a sudden your life will drastically change

Just ask my Tube Academy student Diego who recently hit $20,000 a month on his channel (full interview here)

This past year, Diego went from having zero YouTube experience

To making more money per month on YouTube than he ever thought possible…

But here’s the best part about Diego’s story

Making this kind of money still offers him a ton of free time to go about his day to day life

In fact, right after we recorded his success story, he was taking his girlfriend out to see a movie

Why do I bring this up?

Because many people want to make money on YouTube

But they’re concerned that it will require them to sacrifice 10s of hours a week to make it happen

Or that they just don’t “have the time” to commit to YouTube

Diego literally makes all of his videos himself and he gets it all done working 1-2 hours a day

This means that running his channel seamlessly integrates into his lifestyle where he works a job, has a partner and still has time for exercise and leisure

Plus, now that Diego is making $20,000/mo, we are working on a strategy to allow him to outsource it all and cut down his personal working time to as little as possible

This is why YouTube is great - it’s entirely flexible

You want to work more - you can do that

You want to just oversee the production of videos - you can do that too

If you want to build up a channel that can make the kind of money Diego is making, I can help you just like I’ve helped him.

We do this inside Tube Academy.

That's where I help you build your own cashflowing YouTube channel.

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Chat soon,
