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  • If You Want To GUARANTEE Your Channels Grows Start Doing This...

If You Want To GUARANTEE Your Channels Grows Start Doing This...

This strategy has proven time and again to be effective...

Do you remember when you were a kid and your parents would say

“Don’t do that!”

99 of out 100 times what did that make you do?

You guessed it! It made you want to do that thing even more!

It’s funny because last week when the solar eclipse happened my fianceé said

“Adam, please don’t look at the sun today”

And as sad is it is, it only made me want to look at it more (which I did but with glasses on of course!)

The point is that we all still have that defiant child inside of and when you recognize that it can totally change the trajectory of your YouTube channel


Because you can leverage other people’s defiant side to generate more views on your channel…

Take the example from the channel Wacky Science

As the bio notes, “they are an 18 y/o nerd who makes silly videos on science”

Maybe they are silly but they are very effective too

Especially their video on QR codes

Which perfectly leverages people’s defiant side to generate views for their channel

Here we see clear instructions on the video’s thumbnail not to scan QR codes

And what does this trigger inside us?

The desire to not only scan the code on the thumbnail but to also watch the video

You see, anytime we are asked to do something non-conventional it spikes massive levels of intrigue within us

And intrigue is the secret ingredient to a highly appealing video

For example, take the video “How To Reprogram Your Dopamine To Crave Hard Work”

Everyone always tells you to do a dopamine detox or a digital detox

And being told otherwise makes us wonder if we’ve been lied to

Or how else to better proceed

So if you want to guarantee channel growth, tap into people’s curiousity

Don’t just make them want to watch your video

Make sure they feel that they need to watch

And when you do this your channel will be sure to grow

Crazy enough this is just one of the many thumbnail design strategies I teach inside Tube Academy

If you’ve missed the last few Tube Insider emails then here’s what you should know…

On Monday, I announced that I have opened up a year-long mentorship program called Tube Academy

It’s for those wanting to build a YouTube channel to $5,000/mo, $10,000/mo and beyond

And it is designed to help both those currently running channels wanting to scale it further

Or those who’s never uploaded a YouTube video in their life

If you want to work with me to build your channel and turn it into a part-time or full-time income, reply the word “Tube Academy” to this email and I’ll send you the details!

Note: I am opening up only a select amount of spots for April so entry is on a first come, first serve basis

Chat later!
