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Waking up with NO NEW YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS? Try this

It’s Sunday morning

You wake up and grab your phone

You open up YouTube Studio and once again

No new subscribers…

There’s only one word to describe this experience


How do I know?

Because despite having amassed 1M+ subscribers on YouTube

I too used to struggle to grow…

However, without growth you can never turn your channel into a cashflowing asset

Which if I had to guess is your goal for 2024

If you’re constantly upset whenever you look at your channel’s subscriber count

Then this email is for you…

At the core, YouTube is quite simple…

Generate views, acquire subscribers, make money

Where most people get stuck is at step 1: generating views

Without views, you can’t begin to build an audience

Without an audience you have no returning viewers

Nor do you have people willing to buy from you

In short, failing to generate views is the worst position to be in as a channel owner

Fortunately, there’s a proven way to fix this issue

And when used correctly will have your channel growing like a weed in 2024

From my experience working with numerous channel owners

Their biggest growth blunder is not understanding ideation supply and demand

What do I mean by this?

They publish videos without thinking about whether or not people actually want to watch them

They take a swing in the dark rather than making a tactical decision

Unfortunately, uneducated guesses is what leads to results like these…

That’s why demand for the videos you’re making is key…

This will ensure that users on the platform will be more inclined to click on your videos when recommended

So, how do you ensure there’s demand so you don’t waste your precious time and money struggling to get views?

You lean into cracks…

In case you’re unfamiliar, cracks are videos with more views than a channel has subscribers

Here’s an example of a crack…

Your goal in 2024 is to identify more cracks in your niche

And exploit them in order to generate more views, subscribers and money

Just like the channel Healthy Care has been. Here’s an example…

Mid-2023 their channel was looking to produce a new video

Rather than guess what a winning topic would be

They instead researched potential crack video ideas

What they found was the following:

The channel Medinaz had released a video that generated 4.2M views on its 500,000 channel - a massive crack and demonstration of excess demand for this topic

So, what did they do?

They re-created this video with their own spin and here’s what happened:

4,000,000 views in a month. Not bad, right?

This is what’s possible when you are strategic in your video ideation efforts

But there’s one other element that made these results possible…

When Healthy Care released this video, supply for this topic was low…

There weren’t 10s of similar videos on this topic in the market

There were 1-2 others - this is indicative of there being low supply

You can think of low supply as a video being unique and novel

Therefore, in 2024 before making videos, ensure two elements are present:

When they are, growth and monetization are bound to occur.

Until next week,


PS. My 1-on-1 program price will be increasing in the new year. If you have interest in working with me personally, you can sign up at the 2023 rate using the Tube Launch link down below.

When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch