The ULTIMATE Prompt For YouTube Scriptwriting

Imagine you could create YouTube videos faster

And increase your channel’s profitability all at the same time?

How great would that be, right?

As you know, one of the key components of a YouTube video is it’s script

And whether you are writing it yourself or outsourcing it - it come at a cost

It’s the cost of sitting down and researching a topic

Editing your poorly strung together text and then finally working it to your liking

Or it’s the literal cost that comes with hiring a scriptwriter online

Either way, this work needs to get done

But the good news is that generating winning scripts just got a whole lot easier…

Why is that the case you may be wondering?

Yes, you guessed it…it’s because of AI

AI has become a powerful tool in the world of content creation

It can help you generate video ideas

It can provide you verifiable research

And it can even write your scripts (for the most part)

Today I am going to show you the prompts you can use (with a bit of human intervention) to leverage AI in your scriptwriting process

Ready to AI our way to YouTube success?

Let’s dive in!

To start, as a best practice, your script should follow the HIVE framework

H - Hook

I - Intro

V - Value

E - End Screen

With these elements in mind, let’s go over how you can use ChatGPT to formulate a winning script

First, we will start with idea generation

Let’s say we want to make a video about Warren Buffett

The prompt I would use would be: Give me 10 interesting youtube video ideas about warren buffett

Here are the results:

We now have a set of ideas to work with - let’s go with number 3…

Next, I will introduce this topic to ChatGPT, letting it know I will be giving it further instructions. Here’s the next prompt and response:

Now, I will instruct ChatGPT as to how I want it to approach writing our script:

Now it’s time for the hook and introduction:

Next, we will generate the body text using a separate prompt:

One thing that you’re probably noticing is that each talking point is sparse in depth

Not to worry, we can expand on each of these points using the next prompt:

To complete the body of the script, simply enter this same prompt but for points 1-8 which will provide you with a body of about 1,600 words

Finally, we have the outro or the End Screen component of the HIVE framework

What you should have noticed is that I ask ChatGPT to ask the viewer to watch another related video

This will not only allow us to serve them another relevant video

But it will drive up watch time on our channel, leading us closer to getting monetized or just simply giving YouTube the right signals to promote our content further across the platform

Now, if you look closely, there are some manual interventions that are still required when employing these AI prompts

You need to connect all of the outputs together properly (Hook and intro to body, body to outro etc.)

Plus, you should be adding in prompts for likes, subscribes and comments.

Not to mention, you will want to use hinting which I talk about as an important retention strategy in Tube Freedom

But overall, these prompt sequences will get you about 85% of the way there

Ultimately saving you time, money and turning you into an AI wizard (kinda…)

I hope this walkthrough brings you one step closer to YouTube success

Until next week,


 When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch