The Truth About Making Money on YouTube

What the gurus don't tell you...

Whether you’ve yet to start your YouTube channel

You just recently started or you’ve been at it for years

Despite your desire to serve people like-minded to you

The truth is that you got into this game for one reason

To make some more damn money

And perhaps one of the reasons you started is because you see other people running YouTube channels

Flexing their fast cars and expensive watches online

Yes, those material good can definitely be the by-product of running a successful YouTube channel

But that’s not all it’s limited to

I know for a fact that you’ve never seen me show off expensive items


Because I really don’t own any

No $10,000 watches, no $100,000 supercars

My goal, and probably yours too is to simply make more to:

  • Stress less about money

  • Diversify how you earn

  • Speed up your financial freedom

The lambos can wait until after we never have to earn another dollar again

But, what do we do until that time?

How I like to look at channels is how they can cover off day to day expenses

For example, this one video has made $13,000

Right now I’m fortunate enough to have a relatively small mortgage payment of $1,000/mo

Therefore, releasing this one video covers all my mortgage costs for the year

Pretty sweet, right?

So, as you progress through your YouTube journey it’s fine to keep the larger milestones in mind

But celebrating the small income wins too

It could be a video covering this month’s groceries

Then another covers the costs of a trip

Eventually, if you stick with it you could have a channel covering all of your costs and more

But until then, just take things one milestone at a time

And enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

