The "trick" to making money faster on YouTube

This straight up works...

Do you know the problem with making more money?

No, it’s not that people don’t know how to do it

It’s that people want to do it now

And as you know, Rome wasn’t built in a day

Fortunately, if you want to make money on YouTube (which of course you do)

Then it’s important to understand how to get there faster (and here’s why)

Sadly, I have seen a lot of people quit YouTube

And the number one reason is that they don’t see the results quick enough (usually due to a lack of YouTube education)

Had they got monetized faster (or at all) or had reached a modest amount of income (say $1,000-2,000 a month) they would have kept going

But without seeing those results in a modest time frame

They call it quits, never enjoying the fruits of their YouTube efforts

Look, I get it, I want instant results in everything I do too

However, at the ripe age of 32 I now know how to get those results faster

And it has nothing to do with “working harder” or “grinding”

It has to do with outsourcing expertise…

Given that YouTube success is predicated on video quality

It’s your goal as a channel owner to increase your video quality as fast as possible

And where people struggle is that they start their channel with next to no skills (that’s okay) and expect to make money tomorrow (not going to happen)

So, the easiest way to upskill is to hire out

It’s like hiring a superstar employee at a business to fill an existing need

The issue gets solved instantly and the results start pouring in

For example, let’s say that right now you’re great at ideation, scriptwriting and packaging

However, your video editing skills are mediocre at best

This deficiency can be dragging down your channel’s success

Ultimately stopping you from reaching your YouTube income goals…

So, if you want to make money faster on YouTube, take an honest inventory of your YouTube skills

Where you’re lacking is where you should consider upskilling through outsourcing

From all the students I’ve worked with, it’s those that upskill the fastest (through their own hard work or outsourcing) that make money the soonest

So yes, the “trick” to making money faster on YouTube is to make better videos

And once you have the skills to do just that the money will start rolling in…

Until tomorrow,


Ps. Tomorrow is the last day to buy a guest pass to the $5,000 Per Month YouTube Roadmap Workshop where I’m teaching my Tube Academy students the most effective monetization strategies for YouTube. If you don’t want to miss out you can sign up here.