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  • The Thumbnail Mistake That Could Cost You $1,000s

The Thumbnail Mistake That Could Cost You $1,000s

If you make this mistake you're throwing cash to the wind...

One of my favorite parts about faceless YouTube channels is the flexibility they offer

Don’t have money? Build your channel with your time

Don’t have time? Build your channel with money…

No matter the situation, building a cashflowing channel can work

But here’s the thing…

Given the preciousness of those resources

You want to ensure that you’re employing them as effectively as possible


Because those 8 hours spent working on a video could have been used spending time with your spouse

Or that $100 you spent on the video could have been a date night out…

This summarizes the whole reason I put together Tube Freedom

So you minimize wasted resources and exponentially speed up your path to monetizing on YouTube

The sad part is that people can have 99% of the video production process right

And one small mistake can ruin it all

In a second you’re going to find out one critical mistake that even $10,000/mo channels are making

When you think about a thumbnail, what purpose do you think it serves?

It provides context, offers a visual cue

But more importantly it prompts intrigue and intrigue leads to clicks and views…

The trouble arises when thumbnails negate that intrigue and effectively weaken the appeal of a video

Take for example the channel Baseball Doesn’t Exist

Generating over 6M views and $10,000s a month

This channel is living the faceless freedom dream…

But even they are making a mistake that’s costing them money

And likely you’ve made this mistake too

Here’s the infracting thumbnail:

Can you see where they went wrong?

Give up yet?

Okay I won’t make you wait any longer…

This video centers around a very intriguing topic

Is being fat an advantage in baseball?

The title opens the thought loop in the minds of the prospective viewer

The issue?

The thumbnail answers the question and extinguishes any reason to watch the video


By clearly indicating that “YES” being fat does make you better at baseball…

The viewer has their answer and can now move onto watching the next video

A more appropriate thumbnail text could be “102 MPH” or “350lbs+”

Honestly, anything would have been better than giving away the answer…

So the next time you package your video ensure that all visual cues point the viewer in the direction to watch your video

Rather than losing the race before you even start…

All channel review spots have been filled for the week. If you want to get on the channel review waitlist you can sign up here: Waitlist

See you tomorrow!
