This YouTube channel is a goldmine...

You need to check this out...

Every once in a while, I come across a channel on YouTube that completely blows my mind

What is the criteria for a “mind-blowing” channel?

It’s not one that generates millions of views per video

Nor is it one that has a ridiculously high grade of video production

Channels that blow my mind are those that are low-effort channels

That are generating a ton of monthly profits

And recently I came across one that I just had to share with you

The channel is Saving Savers

This channel shares frugality tips and tricks and has recently seen an incredible rise in viewership

Now, like I said, it’s not the video production of this channel that wows me

In fact, this channel uses basic stock footage content that you could license for $20 in your own video production efforts

It’s the profitability of this channel that has me excited

Right now, it’s generating over 2 million views

Which, in this niche, is roughly $20,000 of ad revenue

All the while making videos that you can outsource for roughly $50

How are they doing it?

You see, when you find an in-demand format like they have, you don’t need to go overboard with video production

Meaning, you can keep costs low and keep profits high

They struck gold with “Grandma and Grandpa” hacks all the while using basic video production

Therefore, if you’ve been thinking that you need to spend $100s per video to turn a profit on YouTube - think again!

If Saving Savers can do it - so can you!

Until tomorrow,
