This will fix 90% of your problems

Start doing this...

We’ve all done it before

We tell ourselves “if only I had X” my life would be complete

Most often this is more money, a better physique, a partner etc.

Why do we slip into this mental state?

Because these desirable items appear to be the key to most of our life’s problems

For example, having, for example $5M, would solve:

  • Paying bills

  • Reducing stress

  • Traveling more

  • Paying for kids education etc.

It covers nearly everything!

And when we understand how powerful some life remedies can be

It positions us to leverage one of the most powerful angles you can take on YouTube

Let’s dive into an example to make things a bit more clear

One channel that really impresses me is FitZip

2 million monthly views is nothing to scoff at…

How do they do it?

They understand the power of solving pain points (literally)

However, the pains they are solving are not minor

No one cares if you can help them save $5 a month

But save them $1,000s? Now people are listening

Well, this notion is well-employed on this channel

They aren’t sharing how to fix a minor inconvenience

Oh no!

They are sharing how to fix 90% of your bodily problems (quite a proposition)

Therefore, when you are coming up with topics for your videos think bigger

How can you make a larger impact on your viewer?

How can you solve more of their issues?

How can you help them get ahead 10x faster?

Bigger outcomes lead to more intrigue

And it’s that intrigue that results in more views, subscribers and success on YouTube

Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

Until tomorrow,
