The Trick To More Views On YouTube In 2025

Give this a try...

There’s a saying that goes, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

If you’ve ever compared yourself to another person or their possessions, then you know this is entirely true.

Now, while this tends to be a negative sentiment, it can also be incredibly beneficial.

How’s that the case?

Because understanding the power of comparison can be an essential tool for creating more engaging videos on YouTube.

Take, for example, the channel Vincent Chan. 

Vincent focuses on finance-related content, and one of the things he’s noticed is that making more relatable content has been driving up his video view count.

For instance, he recently released a video titled Why Everyone Seems to Have More Money Than You.

Topics like this are what I like to call high-resonance topics.

This means these topics connect with people on an emotional level.

Because let’s face it—we all go on social media every day, seeing people half our age seemingly having way more money than we believe we ever will.

Therefore, while you’re trying to create videos with the perfect titles and the most optimized thumbnails, sometimes you need to take a step back and think about how emotionally connective your topics are with those you’re trying to serve.

As I’ve mentioned before, making videos about how to invest a million dollars a year probably won’t resonate well with your intended audience.

Nor would a video discussing only the most advanced forms of coding when serving a coding-for-beginners audience.

So, whether you’re in the personal finance niche, the coding niche, or any other niche, think about the thoughts your audience typically has around the topics you’re creating videos on.

For example, if you’re in the productivity niche, a high-resonance topic could be: Why Everyone Seems to Be Way More Productive Than You.

Not only does this call out someone’s problem, but it also resonates with how they probably feel about their own performance compared to those around them.

Give this strategy a shot, and let me know how it goes.

Talk tomorrow,
