The Gamecube Effect

This is real...

You may not know this about me but…

Back in the day I was a big gamer

Not the type to stay up to 2am

But the type who would easily spend 4-5 hours a day mastering a game

Oh, those were the days…

But one of my funniest gaming memories had little to do with playing the games

And everything to do with the gaming console in general

You see, I’ve been gaming since the N64 days

And my logical next move after that was over to a Gamecube

Here’s the issue…

ALL of my friends got a Gamecube before me

Let me tell you I let my parents know about it

Seeing others have what I didn’t drove me crazy!

And with some persistence I finally convinced my parents to get me one…

Well, it’s that same notion of comparison and the fear of missing out that works so darn well on YouTube…

Take for example the channel Bravos Research

One of its latest videos uses FOMO is an expert-like fashion

They are teasing at the fact that something big is about to happen

And you’ll miss out if you ignore watching the video (genius)

Now, you may not run a trading channel so how does this relate to you?

Simple - you can inject urgency into your own packaging

E.g. 10 Stock You NEED To Buy in March 2025

E.g. The Best Productivity Hack Everyone Is Using But YOU

Make people feel like they are on the outside

And that your video brings them into the fold

When you do this, your views will reach new heights…

Until tomorrow,
