• Adam Del Duca
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  • The biggest mistake I see people making on YouTube in 2025

The biggest mistake I see people making on YouTube in 2025

You've been warned...

2025 is your year

It’s the year you get in the best shape of your life

It’s the year you take that big vacation

And most importantly, it’s the year you start making money on YouTube

Here’s the issue…

If you make this one big mistake I see so many people making on YouTube this year

I can guarantee that making any kind of money on the platform will be an uphill battle (some might even say impossible)

Let me save you months of frustration and thousands of dollars by sharing what this mistake is…

When most people start their channels, they have two main focuses

The first is to select a promising niche

One that they hope will lead them to YouTube glory

The second is trying to pump out as many videos as possible to start to see some initial traction

The issue I’m going to highlight today relates to the former

Because so many people pick the wrong niche

Only to end up frustrated a few months into their YouTube journeys

Wondering why they got started in the first place…

What did they overlook?

The longevity of a niche

Think of it like this, you’d never enter a field of work that would go extinct in 3 years

Sadly, many people enter into niches with little future promise without even knowing it

Take for example the channel Vitazen Health

Back in 2024, this channel was generating more than a million views a month

Earning the channel owner $1,000s a month

Everything was great!

That is until the market took notice

And the competition caught up

Producing nearly identical content to theirs

Stealing market share and slowly degrading this channel’s viewership over time

Now, the channel struggles to pull in 200,000 views a month

Making a neglible amount of money…

Where did they go wrong?

They never considered the moat that they would set around their channel

This means that they had no differentiating factor that would set them apart from future entrants

Which as you can see resulted in them going from a once cashflowing machine down to a relatively useless channel…

Therefore, before starting a channel this year you must consider the moat you will set around your channel

Without it, your YouTube success may just be a flash in the plan

Until tomorrow,


P.S. In 3 days I am hosting the “Your $10,000/mo YouTube Niche Workshop” at 7pm EST (March 17th). If you want to learn how to pick the perfect niche to scale up a channel and make money on YouTube then do not miss it. You can sign up here.