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What Tattoos Can Teach You About Getting Views on YouTube

Surprisingly some ink can teach you a lot about YouTube

When I was a decade younger (I’m 31 now) tattoos were all the rage

I had friends getting tattoos of dragons

I had friends getting full sleeves done

And while I thought they were cool

I knew that they weren’t for me

Put another way, I never thought that tattoos would play any part in my life

That is until recently…

Here’s the tattoo I got…

Good, right?

Just kidding…

No, I did not get a tattoo but I did learn a lot about YouTube from finding a video talking about them

Here’s a video I recently came across…

On the channel Kurzgesagt, this is an outlier video

Having generated 2.2x the normal views on the channel

And this made me wonder why?

Was it the packaging?

Was it the title?

Here’s what I can conclude…

If you study the best and worst performing video of this, the results are reflective of the size of the total addressable market

What do I mean by this?

Let me explain…

The most viewed video (tattoo video) generated 11M views

This is, by all measures, also the most broadly appealing

Chances are there are more people into tattoos in the world than those wanting to know about the paradox of the universe or how it will be destroyed

When a high-quality video is made and packaged properly then a larger potential audience for the topic = more potential views

As was the case with the tattoo video…

Now let’s look at the worst performing video “The Moment Kurzgesagt Changed Forever”

How large of an audience is there for this video?

Well, the channel has 22M subscribers so roughly 22M people (assuming they are all active subscribers which they wouldn’t be)

That’s far less than the number of people who would be interested in tattoos

Note: First Google result shows that roughly 225M people have tattoos worldwide

Therefore, if your goal is more views, one consideration when making videos is how big is the potential audience for the topic

The broader, the better for views…

Chat tomorrow,
