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The SUBTLE Reason No One Watches Your YouTube Videos...

If you're struggling to get views this one's for you

Picture this…

Yesterday, you released your best video yet

The scriptwriting was immaculate

The editing was engaging

And you even remembered to link your end screen to another relevant video

When it comes to the viral video checklist

You’ve hit the mark!

But then, for some strange reason, the views don’t start pouring in

And you think to yourself, “what the hell is going on?”

I poured my heart, soul (and precious money) into this video

Experiences like these often cause a creator to become:

  • Confused

  • Disappointed

  • Demoralized

And these sentiments often lead to quitting (which we don’t allow here!)

So, if it wasn’t the script, editing or those common elements that missed the mark and lead to the poor performance

What was the issue?

Often times, the issue is audience targeting

Before producing a video, you need to think about what audience that video will serve

More specifically, you should be thinking about what video would serve your audience best

For example, let’s say your audience are budget travellers

Which video do you think would serve them best:

1. Top 10 most expensive places to visit in 2024 

2. Top 10 countries you can visit for less than $500

Obviously the latter…

A channel that targets her audience perfectly is Erin Talks Money

Her content is targeted towards middle-class individuals looking to improve their financial literacy

And one reason she’s had major success on the platform is that she knows her viewers pain points and what video topics will interest them the most

For example, if you look at her channel you won’t see videos like:

  • How to budget your $2 million dollar annual income; or

  • The best investments for millionaires in 2024

Instead, she focuses her content on highly engaging topics for her specific demographic

Here are some examples:

What middle class individual wouldn’t want to find out if they’ve elevated to the upper class or if they will even be able to retire?

The lesson?

Better targeting = more connection, clicks and view duration

That’s why I emphasize analyzing your analytics in Tube Freedom

So you spend less time making videos your audience will ignore

And more time on those that will take your channel to the next level

Ps. If you want to work with me 1-on-1 to speed up your channel growth and monetization I am opening up spots at the start of next week. If interested, email me “grow” and I’ll send you the application form.

Until tomorrow,
