How to stop hating your job (seriously)

If you dread Monday mornings open this...

24 hours from now, you're going to be working just like any other Monday.

If you love your job, then you'll be excited to get the week started.

However, if being at your job is a drag, then this is just the first of five days that you need to trudge through until the next weekend.

What's sad about our society these days is that most people aren't excited to start each and every work week.

Their jobs truly act as just a means to an end that will allow them to cover their bills and make a bit of extra cash.

If this is how you perceive your 9-5 job, then you want to pay close attention to what I'm about to say next.

While I can't magically allow you to have the job of your dreams, I can help you feel better about your day-to-day work life.

You see, as someone who has worked a very demanding job where I dreaded going into work each and every day, I can tell you that there is a fix.

If we really look closer at the two reasons that people tend to dislike their jobs, it often comes down to its social and financial elements.

Socially, people may not like their boss or their colleagues, and going into work and engaging with these individuals makes for an unpleasant experience.

Financially, people may be dissatisfied with the raises or promotions that they want but are not getting.

Strangely enough, having an online stream of income, like a YouTube channel, can alleviate a lot of these issues. Let me explain how this is the case.

First, let's talk about how a YouTube channel will ease your social situation.

If you're in a position where you dislike those you work with and you have a YouTube channel that's making you money every single month, it allows you to have more job flexibility.

If right now you can't afford to change jobs because you can't miss a paycheck, then having this extra stream of income coming in will allow you to find a new job that will make for a better work environment.

Financially speaking, when you have a stream of income coming in from YouTube, you no longer have to stress about the raises and promotions (or more likely, not getting them).

For example, if you get a 2% raise instead of a 5% raise and miss out on an extra $1,000, it's not a big deal because you're making at least that much money every single month in profit from your YouTube channel.

This means that most of the disgruntlement about your job compensation washes away, as you're already making that extra income and more by an alternate means.

For most people, once they've sorted out their social and financial issues at their 9-5 job, their life becomes better.

Their Sunday scaries evaporate, and they actually look forward to going into the job each and every day because there's no more social issues causing drama in their day-to-day life, and how much their job is paying them is no longer causing frustration each and every day.

Therefore, if right now you're not exactly feeling overly excited about the job that you're in, consider how building an online stream of income would change your day-to-day life.

It's not always about getting rich and buying Lamborghinis; it's just simply making your day-to-day life much more enjoyable, which is truly what quality of life is all about.

Happy Sunday,


P.s. Got married today :)