The SIMPLEST Way To Grow On YouTube In 2024

This will get you ahead of 90% of the competition...

The work day just ended and you think to yourself

“Finally, time to get the hell out of here and go home!”

So you get in your car, rip out of the parking lot and make a break for it

And then it happens…

You get stuck in a sea of cars that are barely moving

And you kick yourself for having chosen that route home…

This is basically the experience of the average YouTube creator

They take the exact some route as everyone else

And all it leads to is wasting gas (money and time on videos)

And road rage (aggravation with minimal YouTube results)

But what if there was a way to avoid the traffic

And get to your destination sooner?

It’s entirely possible and if you read until the end you’ll understand how to do just that!

So here’s the typical recipe most creators use that get them stuck in “traffic”

They enter a proven niche and leverage proven ideas (which is fine)

But then they pair it with a common video format and wonder why their channel isn’t growing

Duh…it’s because you’re not providing any unique value to the market

Put another way, why would someone watch your video over any other channel in the niche?

But, with the right format, all of a sudden the results can be quite stark

Here’s an example of this second recipe in action

A great role model for the concept of injecting a new format into a proven niche is IncognitoCEO

The channel has perfectly combined popular self-improvement topics with a unique Lofi/retro presentation style

But Adam, how well has it worked?

I’ll let the channels views do the talking…

Now, the question you may have is, how do I determine what a unique format would be in my niche?


First, review all the most prominent channels in your niche and document their:

  • Video length

  • Video presentation style

  • Unique selling propositions (humor, expertise etc.)

Then, determine where gaps in the market lie

As you can see, in the self-improvement space there was a gap for IncognitoCEO’s content

And these opportunities exist in numerous other niches as well

It’s your job after reading this email to find them!

You’ll also want to know that the 2 spots to work with me 1-on-1 have now been taken. If you missed out on the chance to grow your channel faster with me by your side you can get on the waitlist by emailing me back the word “waiting”.

Chat soon,
