How To SEE YouTube Results In Record Time

This is the key to significant growth on YouTube...

Have you ever conciously thought about why you go on YouTube?

What comes to mind for most people is to pass the time

But if we dig a little deeper, there is always a more rationale reason for consuming content on YouTube

If you’re bored, it’s to gain entertainment

If you’re curious, it’s to gain education

No matter the reason for being on the platform one thing is clear

You’re there to extract some sort of value

And it’s not just you by the way

Everyone that visits YouTube is there for that exact same reason

Why am I telling you this?

Because when you start to realize why people head on over to YouTube

You can start to make content that serves their needs

And doing so is the key to generating more views, subscribers and income for your channel

Take the following video as an example:

529,000 views on a brand new channel - pretty good, right?

But how did they pull it off?

They addressed a market need

As you already know, there are a ton of people in the world with poor eyesight

If you have perfect vision like me then you know that we take this for granted every single day

So naturally, people would want to try and find solutions for this issue

An example of someone with curiosity coming to YouTube to gain education

But fixing a solution isn’t enough…if only YouTube were that simple!

The video needs to be packaged in an appealing way (which it is)

As seen, the video promises vision improvements in 2 months

Depicting how much better someone will see by watching the video

As someone looking for value and a solution to their issue

To be told that you can fix something in a short timeframe and these will be the results is a powerful example of effective packaging…

In fact, it’s so effective that it’s worked for more than just this channel

And if it can work for an unsexy topic like vision correction

Then I guarantee it can work for your niche too!

Reminder: Entry into Tube Academy is on a first, come first serve basis. If you are looking to scale your own channel in 2024 reply to this email with the words “Tube Academy” and I’ll send you the details

SEE you tomorrow!
