The SECRET Tool YouTubers Use To Go Viral

This is the key to generating winning ideas for your channel...

What makes a viral video?

It is the title? Is it the thumbnail?

No silly, it’s the video idea

Ask any YouTubers that’s been in the game for a while

And they will tell you that the hardest part is extraordinary video ideas

In fact, because of this, a new role on many YouTubers teams has emerged

Commonly referred to as “YouTube Strategists” these individuals help improve a channel’s performance

Which of course includes helping generate winning video ideas

But let’s face it, we don’t all have the budget to hire dedicated help

Yet we still need to come up with great video ideas

So, what do we do?

As I talk about in Tube Freedom, one ideation approach you should employ is finding “cracks”

“Cracks” are videos with more views than subscribers

Put another way, the demand for these videos exceeded the channel’s subscriber base

These are excellent video ideas to emulate when they relate to your channel

However, finding them can take some time

And time is money (or so the money gurus say…)

Fortunately there is now a tool that can identify cracks in a heartbeat

It’s called (like the 1 out of 10 score you get when you upload a video)

The tool is basically one big filtering system for identifying outlier videos

Here’s how it works…

First, you sign up and log into the application (it’s a paid service at $49/mo)

Next, you can review the results either on a random or filtered basis

Randomly searching will display outliers that are performing well outside of your given niche

Filtered searches can give you ideas of where cracks exist within your niche (recommended approach)

For example, if you are in the Minecraft niche, you can use that keyword to find outlier videos

Now, you may be thinking, “but Adam I thought crack videos should be 1 year old or less. I see some of those videos are rather old”

You’d be right!

The good news is that you can filter results by publication date

This allows you to find outliers that fall within the “crack” parameters

These are the perfect videos to emulate for your channel

But the best part is that the tool can also find you videos of a similar format

If you’re unfamiliar, a video format relates to a video’s structure, length and style

One format example are “100 day” videos which are popular in the gaming niche

The tighter you can keep the format on your channel, typically the higher view baseline you can maintain

The trouble is coming up with videos of a similar format can be tough

Or at least it used to be…

The 1 of 10 tool allows you to find similar formats with one-click of a button with it's “Find similars” option

Here’s an example result:

Now, you may be wondering if you really need this tool.

The answer is no.

Many YouTubers have become successful without it and many more will

And to be clear, I am not being paid to promote this tool

But I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t at least share what options you have at your disposal

After all, video ideation is the name of the game on YouTube

If you don’t believe me, just look at how extreme Mr.Beast’s video ideas are…

Until next week,



 When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch