• Adam Del Duca
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  • The secret benefit of starting your own YouTube channel

The secret benefit of starting your own YouTube channel

What no one tells you...

Do you know the worst part about September?

When the calendar flips over to this ninth month of the year, you know that summer is just about done.

If you live in a perpetually warm climate, then this probably doesn't relate to you.

But if you're like me, who has to suffer through the winter cold for half the year, then you know just how depressing this time of year can be.

Sure, it's nice that the leaves are changing colors, but you know that the winter cold is right around the corner.

You see, I absolutely hate the winter.

And while I haven't mentioned this before, one of the main reasons I started my making money online journey many years ago was to be able to snowbird each and every winter.

You see, where I live in Canada, during the worst months of the year, most people simply never go outside unless it's to go to work or drive to the gym.

Quite frankly, it's not much of a lifestyle.

What's worse is that being able to get out of the cold for many people is limited because they simply don't have much time off to be able to get away,

Let alone probably not even having the means to do so.

But that's the beauty of starting your own journey of making money online.

Not only can you start to make the income to actually go on these trips to escape the brutally cold weather.

But you can keep your business or YouTube channel running while on the beach or when soaking in the sun.

For instance, last year when I went to Aruba for a week, it was business as usual.

I'd get up and work in the morning for a couple of hours before my fiancée woke up making sure that my online income was continuing to progress forward.

And once that work was complete, it was off to the beach or to the local petting zoo, which was admittedly a lot more fun than I expected it to be.

Are you noticing the common trend in this email?

It's not about getting your tan on and petting animals in a foreign country.

It's about having more control over your life.

It's breaking routine and going away for a much-needed vacation

Without having to sacrifice your ability to continue progressing in your financial endeavors.

Because let's face it, any of us could spend money right now to go away.

But it doesn't feel as good when we know we're robbing from our financial future to do it.

Therefore, once you finally do get your online income set up, you will start to realize the benefits that I just mentioned.

And to be totally transparent, it took me multiple years to get to this point.

In the same way that it takes you four years to get a degree, where you finally cash in once getting your first job,

It's the same thing with making money online.

The first hurdle is actually starting, which sadly most people never overcome.

Then it's gaining proficiency in the business model that you want to use to start building that income which for me was YouTube, and for you could be too.

And then finally, it just comes down to staying consistent.

As I always tell my Tube Academy students, you've likely never failed at anything that you've committed to doing for long periods of time.

Well, it's the same for YouTube.

If you just keep producing videos, analyzing them, and getting better over time, you will end up building the online stream of income you want.

And then you too can be at the Aruba petting zoo, taking pictures with the animals, just like me.

Until tomorrow,


P.S. Tube Academy spots are presently open. If you want to work with me directly to build your own YouTube channel, reply “Tube” and I will send you the details.