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The SECRET Benefit Of Starting A YouTube Channel

No one talks about this but it's huge...

Today, you start your YouTube channel

By June, your channel is monetized and starting to make money

That first $1,000 month turns into your first $5,000 month

And you think to yourself “damn, why didn’t I start a channel sooner?”

The truth is that we all take action on our own timeframe

But when we hesitate

When we procrastinate

We not only give up on the channel growth and income we desire

We give up something else

Which quite frankly is more valuable than the extra few $1,000s a month you’re making…

What is given up is financial control

If there’s one money lesson that has hit me the hardest it’s this

Feeling “rich” isn’t about how much money you make

It’s about knowing how you can go about making more of it

In fact, this exact principle is why I started YouTube in the first place…

At the start of my professional career I was working in management consulting

This had me regularly travelling across the country for work

And let me tell you, eventually your travel luck comes to an end

Which I learned when losing my luggage without being reimbursed

$500 later and my work wardrobe had been replenished but this experience rubbed me the wrong way

Yes, partly because of how frustrated I was having lost my luggage

But what hit me deeper was that I had already planned to use that $500 for something else

And then one little life event ripped it from my hands

While I had no other way of recuperating it as a salaried employee

It was a series of events like this one that actually led me to starting my first YouTube channel

Sure, I wanted to make money online and loved the idea of doing it via a YouTube channel

But what I loved even more was being in control of my income

Got a laughable raise at work? Make another YouTube video

Had to upgrade my home computer? Make another video

My channel put me in the drivers seat

Which is where you want to be

How do I know this?

Because not only have I felt this way before but so have my students…

I get messages daily that people are eager to expand their income outside of their 9-5 job…

And when they commit to the process they gain that financial control they desire

Just like Anthony who took home over $2,000 from his channel in December

Covering the cost of replacing his basement flooring (not sexy spending but it is what it is…)

So if you’re goal with YouTube isn’t to gain fame or community that’s fine

We all have different reasons for wanting to build online

And having more financial control is certainly a good enough reason to start…

There’s one spot left to work with me 1-on-1. If you’re serious about building your own cashflowing channel, reply “March” for the details (not cheap)

Chat tomorrow!
