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The REAL Reason Your Videos Struggle To Get Views

If there’s one thing that every creator on YouTube wants it’s views

Views drive subscribers, ad revenue, sales

And basically all other desirable outcomes of running a YouTube channel

The trouble is many channels are hamstringing their view potential

And they don’t even know it

In fact, you may be one of those channels…

While there are obvious signs of channel deficiences like bland titles and poorly designed thumbnails

The issue I’m going to point out today is much less obvious to the untrained eye…

Overlooking it can be more detrimental than just about any mistake you can make

Curious what may be holding you back? Let’s dive in…

One of the core pieces of a YouTube channel is its niche

This is the main topic a channel revolves around and the pain points it addresses

An example of a niche is medical school which could address the following pain points:

  • Deciding which medical school to attend

  • How to study for the entry exams

  • How to decide on a specialization

In this example, it’s very clear who the intended audience is for this channel

But in case it flew over your head the answer is prospective and current medical school students

Channels like Med School Insiders, who target this particular audience, thrive because they understand who they are serving…

The trouble is that many channels have no idea who their videos are serving

When this is the case, a channels views start to take a hit

This is the result of disobeying the rule of niche alignment

If you’re unfamiliar, niche alignment speaks to the consistency in which a topic is addressed on a channel

Generally speaking, the more alignment, the higher the view baseline and the greater the audience connection

Where channels go wrong is diverging from their audiences core topic of interest

When this happens, they are almost automatically harming the performance of their unrelated videos

I think I’ve used this example with just about every one of my Tube Launch students to date

If you had a bodybuilding channel, it wouldn’t make sense to start posting make up tutorials


Because your core audience is unlikely to be interested in that topic

This results in lower audience satisfaction and generally a lower performing video

How do I know this to be true?

Because I’ve been studying this phenomenon for the last year…

What I’ve realized is that not even the strongest of channels can overcome the ill effects of diverging from their audience’s core topic of interest

Here are a few examples…

Daniel Braun is a leader in the credit card niche

His credit card videos are in-depth, informative and highly sought after by his loyal group of subscribers

However, videos that fall outside this subniche don’t always hit the mark…

As seen, his money lessons video, which exists in the realm of personal finance, saw a noticeable decline in performance


Because his audience is there for credit card information and updates

Not to hear about personal finance lessons…

Here’s a second example:

Johns Money Adventures is an up and coming dividend investing channel

Their videos perfectly combine up to date dividend information with engaging storytelling

To date, they’ve been building a loyal audience of dividend investing fanatics…

However, similar to Daniel, they’ve been plagued by producing content that is misaligned to their niche

The mistake made here is assuming that an audience highly interested in dividend stocks will also be interested in tax avoidance content

Clearly, this was not the case…

When these misfire videos are produced, it doesn’t just harm your view baseline

It drains you of resources you could have used making more appropriately positioned videos…

Therefore, unless you are deliberately trying up expand into new niches

Be mindful that the videos you make directly address your audiences main interests and pain points

When they do, generating more consistent views on your channel will come naturally

Until next week,


 When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, apply here: https://tinyurl.com/tubetoday