• Adam Del Duca
  • Posts
  • The Real Reason Your Videos BARELY Get Any Views

The Real Reason Your Videos BARELY Get Any Views

I am absolutely fired up about this week’s newsletter


Because inside this edition I’m going to be dropping some expert level YouTube game on you

There will be no generic YouTube tips in this email like:

  • Keep your titles short

  • Use a strong hook

  • Make good thumbnails

This YouTube game is going to have a profound effect on your channel’s success

Let’s dive in!

To start, let me ask you this…

Have you ever released a video you thought had:

  • The perfect title

  • An amazing thumbnail

  • Stellar content

And still the video flopped?

I know I have and it wasn’t until I learned about this next YouTube concept that my channel really started to take off

The core idea in today’s email revolves around audience relevancy

Audience relevancy pertains to how relevant your content is for your core audience

Before you can gauge if your content is relevant to your core subscriber base

First, you need to know the demographics of the people who are watching your videos

To do this, open up YouTube Studio

Go to “Analytics” on the left sidebar

Under the Audience Tab you will see a table called “Age and gender”

This table here gives you some insights into who your videos are talking to

So, if you made the best video on earth about living on a budget at 70 years old and it flopped

Maybe it’s because only 3% of your audience is even in this age bracket…

The key takeaway here is that you need to position your videos to appeal to your core audience

If your subscriber base watches your videos then YouTube will push your videos out to more and more viewers across the platform

This is why I talk a ton about niche alignment in Tube Freedom because if your core viewers aren’t interested then your video is destined to fail…

Here’s an example of audience relevancy being used well and poorly and the results that came with it:

Example 1: Richard Fain

In this video, Richard shares how to people can grow their wealth starting with just $150.

This video would be relevant to a ton of his subscribers for the sole reason that most of them have $150 and feel like this video could offer them actionable advice

Well, the results speak for themselves as the video has gotten over 370K views in just 10 days (good job Richard!)

Now here’s an example of a video that lacked audience relevancy and fell short

Example 2: Proactive Thinker

Here’s an example of where audience relevancy did not work in this creator’s favor


Well if you look at the title, clearly it’s directed towards people with $1M in the bank or more

How many people that are watching this channel realistically have this kind of money lying around?


As such, this video wasn’t overly relevant to most of the channels subscribers and the creator paid the price for that oversight (12K views on a 800k+ channel)

So before you make your next video ask yourself this:

“Is this video relevant to my audience?”

As you can see, this can be the difference between a 300K or 12K video

And I’d much rather see you achieve the former!

Until next week,


 When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want to learn how to make your first $25k or $100k on YouTube, check out Tube Ignite and Six-Figure Tuber

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch