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The REAL Reason Your Videos Aren't Getting Views

YouTube is a video game

When you’re winning and progressing it’s a ton of fun

However, when you’re struggling and nothing seems to work…

Well, this is when people may start breaking things (or so I hear…)

Getting back on track, YouTube and video games are similar in their reward mechanisms

In a video game, the rewards are treasure, new skills etc.

On YouTube, rewards are the views that your videos garner

Both are desirable forms of compensation

However, these forms of compensation have to be earned

For example, in a video game you can collect treasure in two ways

1. Take an unexplored path that may contain treasure along the way

2. Take a proven but contended path with guaranteed treasure that’s protected by a boss

Taking the first path requires planning and faith in a future payout

Taking the second path requires skills to beat the boss and obtain your reward

The trouble is, most YouTube creators are taking the second path

But have nowhere near the skills to get the rewards (views) they desire (i.e. beat the boss)

If you’re confused right now, let me relate this gaming example back to YouTube

On YouTube, there are two types of markets:

  • Blue Ocean (low competition)

  • Red Ocean (high competition or “saturated” markets)

Given that identifying blue ocean markets is a skill few possess

Just about everyone who starts out on YouTube dives into an already popular niche (this is okay because all niches become saturated over time)

The trouble is that those entering these popular niches lack the skills to compete

No skills = no views

But Adam, what do you mean by skills?

As Napoleon Dynamite says, “Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills.”

Well, YouTube only rewards creators with great skills

Skills can include:

  • Ideation skills (how to find winning ideas)

  • Scriptwriting skills (use of original ideas, stories)

  • Editing skills (use of pattern breaks, graphics)

And the list of other traits outlined in more depth in Tube Freedom

Without these skills, you’ll keep getting denied by the boss guarding the treasure day after day after day (i.e failing to generate views)

And when this happens most people quit YouTube

Missing out on building a digital asset that can pay them $1,000s every single month

Put another way, if your videos aren’t getting any views

Or the amount of views you desire then there’s a harsh truth you have to accept

Your videos simply are not good enough

Tough to hear? Yes

But what’s worse is spending countless hours and dollars making videos that will never get you even an inch closer to your YouTube goals

How do we remedy a case of “bad-video-itis?”

First, ensure the video ideas you’re pursuing actually have demand for the topic

Second, find similar videos and ensure your video will outperform them by being:

  • Unique (sharing personal stories, new facts etc.)

  • Higher quality (better editing, thumbnails, titles etc.)

If not, your video will just be another on the YouTube video pile

Getting next to no views and pushing your YouTube success even further down the road

Until next week,


When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch