The real reason I got started on YouTube

Here's why...

There are times in life where you come across an idea that totally changes the way you think.

A couple of years ago, I came across a very interesting notion about stress.

To sum things up, it basically said that you can never completely eradicate stress from your life.

All you can do is choose which stress you want to subject yourself to.

This was a big mental unlock for me personally because, for many years, I struggled with the pain of financial stress.

Every single month, I would stress over whether or not something would break in my house, causing me to go over budget, squandering another month of financial progress.

Chances are, if you've come from humble beginnings, then you know exactly what I mean.

At that time, I was undergoing a lot of financial stress, but when I reflect, I can tell you that most other aspects of my life at that time were rather unstressful.

For example, my job was not really that stressful, nor were most other aspects of my life.

So, because I didn't want to extend myself to make more money, I had to live with the financial stress in my life versus the stresses that would come from taking on a new endeavor.

Then one day, when I got another one of my lackluster raises at work, that stress became too much.

That's when I started my YouTube journey.

Fast forward more than five years, and I can tell you that the stress of making money online is significantly easier to deal with than the stress of struggling with your finances.

Why is that the case?

Because when you don't have a lot of excess disposable income, you feel trapped, as if you're never going to be able to get ahead.

And quite frankly, with how expensive day-to-day life has gotten these days, that's absolutely the case.

Sure, it's not going to be a totally stress-free experience if you're starting to make money online.

You're going to have to overcome the learning curve involved with whatever online endeavor you pursue.

But I think we can both agree that the minor stress that comes with building a team to help you build your YouTube channel is a lot less stressful than your electricity company calling you, wondering when you're finally going to pay off your bill.

This is why, as you move forward in life, consider what stressors you want to subject yourself to now and in the long term.

If you're like me and hate the feeling of being restricted in your finances, then likely pushing yourself to build something that will mitigate this stress will be worth your while.

Until tomorrow,


P.S. If you want to work with me to grow and monetize your own YouTube channel, reply back “Tube” and I’ll put your name on the Tube Academy enrolment waitlist.