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  • Read This If You Want To Make $5,000/mo on YouTube In 2024

Read This If You Want To Make $5,000/mo on YouTube In 2024

It’s the end of the month

You open up your bank account

Instead of seeing the same balance

You see an extra $5,000 staring back at you

Wouldn’t be the worst feeling in the world, right?

Well, it’s possible with the help of a faceless YouTube channel

Now, is it easy? No…

Is it possible to achieve in 2024? Absolutely!

But only if you understand and employ these 3 concepts…

Concept #1: Red vs. Blue oceans

One of the most common questions I get is “what niche should I choose?”

While you can pick from a list and wish for the best, the better option is to let market dynamics guide your decision

What do I mean by market dynamics?

YouTube is a marketplace that operates on supply and demand

The number of videos in a niche is the supply (S)

The level of viewer interest is the demand (D)

Price (P) equates to the appeal and value of a video

Red ocean markets (or saturated niches) have moderate to high demand and high supply

When starting out, most creators take the route of pursing a red ocean market or “saturated” niche

While totally viable, this often leads to mediocre results, frustration and quitting


Because they fail to understand that YouTube is a competition

And in a red ocean market you are competing against tons of other channels for attention on the same group of topics

So, in 2024, to succeed in a popular niche, you need to differentiate

You need a unique selling proposition or USP

In other words, you need to stand out

How do I do that Adam?

Good question…

You can differentiate based on your:

  • Personality

  • Expertise

  • Production value etc.

Before spending your precious time and money scaling up a channel

Ask yourself this, “why would someone watch my videos over another’s?”

If you can confidently answer that question then you’re well on your way

But, what if you can’t?

Then not competing at all may be the answer…

Wait, do you mean not running a channel Adam?

No silly!

I mean creating a channel in a blue ocean market instead…

A blue ocean market is where there is low to no competition

For example, a channel around makeup for the 80+ population may be unexplored

In this case, your videos would be inherently valuable


Because they are the only ones in the market (low supply)

The takeaway?

In 2024, you need to either:

a) have a differentiation strategy to compete in a red ocean market

b) start a channel in a blue ocean

Either can lead you to the $5,000/mo you are striving for…

Concept #2: Rule of Revision

If you just keep posting videos on YouTube

Eventually you’ll succeed, right?


Yes, consistency is required to succeed on YouTube

But consistency only matters once you’re making videos people actually want to watch…

How do we know if people are interested in our videos?

We analyze them in YouTube Studio by using the Rule of Revision

As I outlined in Tube Automate, the Rule of Revision states that you must review your analytics after each batch of 10 videos that you produce

When reviewing, you want to identify top performing:

  • Video topics

  • Video packaging (titles and thumbnails)

  • Video formats etc.

But Adam, how will doing this help me make $5,000/mo on YouTube in 2024?

It saves you from wasting your precious time and money making low performing videos


Because you can pick out the unappealing topics and packaging

And simply never use them again

This allows you to focus on what is working

Replicating what is working will lead to:

  • More views

  • More subscribers

  • Less frustration

That last one is key because you can’t make $5,000 on YouTube if you get frustrated and quit

Concept #3: AI Integration

In the last year, the number one YouTube question I’ve received is “Can I monetize AI content on YouTube?”

Let me set the record straight as this will impact your path to $5,000/mo on YouTube in 2024

Yes, you can use AI tools to make your videos

That includes scriptwriting tools, voiceover tools etc.


You must use your discretion when doing so

What do I mean by this?

YouTube’s goal is to uphold the quality and integrity of content showcased on the platform.

One way to protect this goal is to minimize spam content being uploaded

Hence their channel monetization policies

The policy restricts content that would be defined as “templated, mass-produced, or programmatically generated content”

Given that many AI tools are still in their primitive stages

You can’t use them to click a single button, produce a video and then upload that video onto YouTube

Likely the quality will be so low that it will fall under the terms defined above

Instead, in 2024, use AI as an enhancer, not a crutch

Use it to generate video ideas or draft script outlines

Use it to clone your voice to speed up your voiceover production process

Just don’t use it to upload garbage on the platform and you’ll be fine…

How does this help me make $5,000/mo on YouTube in 2024 you may be wondering?

Because if your strategy is to upload low-quality, AI produced content to get there

Then you may have another thing coming…

Until next week,


P.s: As it’s Black Friday weekend, I am offering $100 off for the first 3 people who want to work with me 1-on-1 to build their own faceless channel from scratch in 2024. You can sign up here: Tube Launch.

When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch