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The Most PROFITABLE YouTube Channel You Can Run

If you want to make real money on YouTube here's what you need to do...

There are a ton of reasons to build a YouTube channel

  • Learn how to attract attention

  • Connect with like-minded people

  • Educate the masses etc.

But chances are you’re reading this email right now because you have a different reason…

Your goal is to turn your YouTube channel into a cashflowing machine (cha-ching!)

If I’m right, you want to keep on reading


Because I’m about to share the three components you need to run the most profitable YouTube channel possible…

What are those components?

Let’s explore them now…

The first component is a low-cost production system

The cost to produce YouTube videos can vary dramatically

High production videos can cost thousands

Meanwhile those on the low end can be as cheap as $50

To maximize profits (especially as a beginner), the key is to find the CHEAPEST production style that you can reliably use to generate a moderate amount of views on your channel

The second component is a reliable view generation system

You can make the cheapest videos in the world

But if they don’t get any views then you’re not going to be making any money

Put another way, views are the lifeblood of your channel

So understanding how to generate video ideas that appeal to your prospective audience is essential

The third and final component is a relevant offer

Sure, views alone will earn you income through ad revenue

But that should only be the tip jar of your channel’s income

Having an offer (product, service etc.) that your audience wants will multiply your earnings

With all three components in place, you have the means of running the most profitable channel possible

But Adam, what would this look like in practice?

Here’s an example channel with all three of these components in place…

First, there’s the low-cost production system

Little Bit Better produces Videoscribe videos

A software you can access for $25/mo

Or outsource on Upwork for less than $100 a video

Next, there’s a reliable view generation system…

Little Bit Better targets popular books which people are always searching for

This brings in millions of monthly views

Finally, there are relevant offers

Given that this channel produces book summary videos

It would make sense to promote an offer centered around books

In this case, Little Bit Better links to the book being summarized in each video

Unlocking a new income stream in the form of affiliate marketing

And adding onto the ad revenue they are already earning

These components ultimately are the key to running a profitable channel

Happy Monday!
