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The Most POWERFUL Way To Get More YouTube Views In 2024

If you aren't doing this you're missing out...

YouTube is a lot like baking

When you bake, there are two factors involved:

1. Ingredients

2. Recipe

Get the purest, freshest ingredients and you’re setting yourself up for success

However, misread the recipe and leave your goods in the oven too long

And what could have been an amazing treat ends up as a burnt disaster

On YouTube, it’s no different

You could have the perfect title with lackluster thumbnail and you’ll get only a fraction of the views you could have if conditions were right

The key to success in either domain is optimizing all relevant inputs

Given I’m not a master baker I’ll elaborate on this situation in the context of YouTube…

You already know that you need to optimize your YouTube titles and thumbnails for maximum target audience appeal

And you do so using the strategies shared in Tube Freedom

Or the others I share in this daily newsletter or on X

The trouble is that often one side of the packaging equation is well executed

With the other being off the mark (hence low views or the burnt dessert in our baking analogy)

So to help you achieve this synchronicity between titles and thumbnails

I want to share a combination that I’ve seen work incredibly well time and again

This is the type of shit I should be charging for…

The combination that is working like clockwork right now includes the two following elements:

Let’s break down the two components right now

Clear outcome: video packaging clearly outlines what someone will gain from watching the video

E.g. How to scale agency from $10,000 to $50,000/mo

E.g. How to lose first 10 pounds after pregnancy

Low barrier to entry: minimal friction for the video to be relevant to target audience

E.g. How to build e-commerce store without any coding experience

E.g. How to get ripped at home without any equipment

When combined, the prospective viewer knows:

1. The knowledge or benefit they will leave with

2. That they can start the process with the resources they already have

Here are some examples of videos employing this combination (check the view counts)

Example 1:

Clear Outcome: Image of loaf of bread produced by video instructions

Low Barrier: Title indicates the need for minimal resources (ingredients and just a frying pan)

Example 2:

Clear Outcome: Thumabail telegraphs going from $0 to $16,000/mo via dropshipping

Low Barrier: Title indicates that no money is required

The lesson?

The lower the bar for success appears to be for the prospective viewer

The more inclined they will be to watch your video, subscribe etc.

Pretty cool, right?

As a reminder, two (2) new spots open up to work with me 1-on-1 tomorrow. Get your name on the waitlist here.

Happy Sunday!
