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  • Why The Most Popular YouTube "Shortcut" Is A Scam

Why The Most Popular YouTube "Shortcut" Is A Scam

If you fall for this then you'll soon come to regret it...

You start your YouTube journey

What’s the first thing on your mind?

When am I going to receive this email…

(Shown below is one recently received by my 1-on-1 student)

If you’ve been in the world of YouTube for more than 60 seconds

You’ll likely know that the first major milestone for any creator is getting their channel monetized

So that they can unlock the ability to earn ad revenue and collect checks from YouTube monthly

And to do this you need:

The trouble is that for many creators, reaching these thresholds can be tough

Especially when you have inadequate knowledge around proper:

  • Video ideation

  • Formatting

  • Packaging

  • Upload best practices etc.

As such, many creators perpetually face this “insurmountable” barrier between them and their ability to start generating ad revenue from their channels

So how do they overcome this obstable and turn their channels into money printing machines?

There are two paths:

The first path is the minivan path

It’s slow but safe and guaranteed to get you where you want to go

The second path is the sportscar path

It can get you where you want to go faster

But one second of mishandling and you’ll fly off the road…

In the context of YouTube, simply uploading incrementally better videos until you reach the monetization requirements is the minivan path (recommended)

However, some people don’t like to wait (I get it…)

And they want to get monetized ASAP

So what do they do?

They buy a pre-monetized channel (i.e. channel already approved and a part of the YouTube Partner Program)

Seems like a great way to start making money faster, right?

It can be but…

There are risks involved

And because I have your best interests in mind

I need to highlight the risks if this path is one that you end up considering…

The downsides of buying a pre-monetized channel are:

1. Scam risk: Many websites that offer pre-monetized channels accept customer payments without returning any channel whatsoever leading to $100s or $1,000s of wasted dollars

2. Acquiring an inactive audience: If you receive your channel, the channel has either been propped up with fake subscribers or has an existing audience who will not engage with your videos once you change the channel’s topic or niche

3. Security risk: When you’re a secondhand owner of a channel, you don’t know if the original owner still possesses account information they can use to regain access down the road. Imagine building up a channel for years only to have it revoked when it’s generating $1,000s a month?

Long-story short, buying a pre-monetized channel can speed up your path to YouTube earnings

But the risks associated can come with a hefty cost

As my Nonna used to say, ”Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano”

Which means, “whoever goes slowly, goes safely and goes far”

That’s why when my Tube Freedom students apply the strategies from the program

They not only get their channels monetized without using cheap tricks

But they save themselves from the risks that come with buying a pre-monetized channel

Talk tomorrow!
