• Adam Del Duca
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  • This One Word Will Make Or Break Your YouTube Channel

This One Word Will Make Or Break Your YouTube Channel

Can I share an embarassing story with you?

Back when I was younger (Early 20s) my dating life wasn’t exactly on fire

If I’m being honest it downright sucked…

I wasn’t a bad looking guy (my Mom will back me up on this)

But despite my decent looks I still struggled to ever find myself going on a second date…

After a string of five first dates that went nowhere I had finally had enough

I messaged the last girl straight up asking her why she wasn’t interested

She said, “You’re boring”

Pretty blunt, am I right?

In the moment, this feedback hurt

Fortunately, today I can now laugh about it (kinda)

But the key takeaway here is that being boring is not appealing

It’s not appealing to the opposite sex

Nor is it appealing to those who watch your YouTube videos…

See what I did there?

Over the last couple of years I’ve made it a habit to ask myself one simple question before making a video

“Is this video idea interesting?”

Seems simple, right?

It’s simple but incredibly important

I want to share how channels are leveraging the notion of being “interesting” to exponentially increase their views

Take the example below

On the left you have a highly interesting video idea

Putin is a very polarizing public figure and billionaires are always of high interest

The view count supports that this is an interesting idea for this creator’s audience

On the right you have ways rich people make money with debt

It’s somewhat interesting because people do want to get rich

But debt is generally a boring topic

The view count supports this lukewarm appeal

During my time on YouTube there has been a dramatic shift in viewer habits

Sure, value-based SEO videos do well and can absolutely help your channel

But it’s interest or intrigue that really helps move your videos along…

This is why not only should you focus your content on high interest topics

If you’re starting a new channel, using trending subjects will speed up your growth exponentially

Take for example the channel The AI Advantage

It went from a negligible amount of subscribers in the fall to over 100,000 as at the time I’m writing this email

All because it leveraged the insane amount of interest that has centered around AI over the last 6 months. To put it simply:

Interest = views

There’s more to that statement like how to craft great titles, thumbnails and make high-quality videos but interest forms the basis of your channels success

As such this one word will make or break your channel

Until next week,


 When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want to learn how to make your first $25k or $100k on YouTube, check out Tube Ignite and Six-Figure Tuber

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch