• Adam Del Duca
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  • The one thing you need when picking the perfect YouTube niche

The one thing you need when picking the perfect YouTube niche

No one talks about this...

One week from now, I'm going to be getting married.

And the crazy part is, I feel absolutely no nervousness towards the day.

Why is that, you wonder?

Well, I've been wondering this too, and here's what I came up with.

You see, along my dating journey, I received some wise advice.

The advice was that it's best to be with someone whose values align with your own.

Because life will continue to throw trials and tribulations at you, but when your values align with your partner's, you're able to see situations from the same angle and allow your values to direct the decisions that you make.

Given how closely aligned my values are with those of my fiancée, I have immense levels of comfort around taking this next step in our journey.

And oddly enough, the same sentiment is true when it comes to picking a niche on YouTube.

Whenever people give advice on this topic, they typically tell you that your niche has to be in ultra-high demand and that it has to have a high CPM.

While these are definitely important factors to consider, what most people leave out is a secret ingredient that I believe is important for any successful channel.

What is the secret ingredient?

It's the passion that you have for the topic of your channel.

After working with hundreds of students, I can tell you that those who have a high degree of interest in their channel's topic end up seeing the best results.

Why is that?

Because after starting your channel, the initial excitement will fade, and you will enter what is called the valley of death.

In the valley of death, you're too new to start seeing stellar results with each video that you release, but you're beyond the point where making content is novel to you.

Put another way, this is the grind part of the process of building up a cash-flowing channel.

If you dislike the topic you're making videos about, getting through this period can be extremely difficult.

Not only are you not making money yet, but you have to either produce or review content around a topic that you don't truly love.

On the flip side, if you're making content around a topic that you enjoy, you'll see this process as a fun activity built into your week rather than a chore that you have to complete.

Ideally, the passion for your topic does align with other niche validation criteria, but from my experience, those who lead with passion first tend to go further, even if they're not in the most lucrative of niches on YouTube.

Now, one thing you may be wondering is, do you need to be an expert in a niche in order to pursue it on your channel?

The answer is a resounding no.

As long as you have a passion to learn more about your topic and are willing to help people who are one step behind you, then you're in a great position to put out valuable content on YouTube, which really is the key to growing and monetizing on the platform.

Therefore, before starting a channel, have an honest conversation with yourself.

You don't need to select a niche just because someone online told you that it could make you money.

Instead, think about what topics you can see yourself talking about for the next few years, then validate your niche's income and growth potential and move forward.

When you pair passion with income and growth potential, you have the recipe for YouTube success.

Until tomorrow,
