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The Not So Obvious Reason People Aren't Watching Your YouTube Videos

This may clear up a lot of confusion if you're struggling for views...

You’re driving down the road and what do you see?

A Honda Civic

You keep driving and what do you see?

Another Honda Civic

From the moment you leave your house until you reach your destination you see dozens of Civics all over the road

And what do you do?

You ignore them

Why? Because they are everywhere

And you’ve been exposed to them so much that now you don’t even notice them

But then you see a brand new Lamborghini pull up next to you…

And you nearly break your neck turning to look at it

The shape, color, trim all make you wish you had an extra $300,000 lying around to buy one (one day!)

The point is that you were attracted to the car not only because of the roar of its engine as it pulled up beside you

But primarily because of its unique aesthetic design

And many times that’s what channel’s thumbnail are lacking

Hindering them from getting the viewership they desire

Here’s an example…

This is a commonly used thumbnail design in the dropshipping niche

Yes, both these videos performed well

But how many times will the market find this packaging intriguing before they start ignoring it all together?

The answer? Fast…

This is why channels that take a unique thumbnail approach can often see massive outsized returns

Take the example channel Sehnend

Their thumbnails are very unique and the video views prove their effectiveness

Here’s how much they stand out when we compare them to others in the market

Very different than all of the clickbait faces or news headlines…

This is why I teach my students inside Tube Academy how to test their thumbnails before releasing their videos

This way they ensure their videos are perfectly positioned to generate the most views possible

Speaking of Tube Academy, I am now opening it up to new enrollments

If you’re ready to join a growing community of people growing and monetizing their channels

Email me back “Tube” and I’ll send you the details

Until tomorrow,
