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Why No One Is Watching Your Youtube Videos (And What To Do About It)

Like Martin Luther King, you have a dream…

But unlike his dream of bringing people of all races together

Your dream is to scale up your YouTube channel

And have it paying you $1,000s every single month

The trouble is, you’re barely getting any views…

Trust me, I’ve been there

Spending $100s making videos only to have them flop

And wonder if I’ll ever get my break on YouTube

Well, after earning $100,000s on YouTube I can tell you that your break will come

But only if you stop making these 3 mistakes

That are holding you back from starting to make real progress on the platform

Mistake #1: Trying to take shortcuts

It’s human nature to want to take the path of least resistance to success

This is why everyone wants to find the new trick or tactic to achieving the success they desire

When it comes to YouTube, there are multiple ways people try and game the system

For example, they try running Google Ads towards their videos to increase their views

Not knowing that those views don’t qualify for public watch hours

Hence they don’t get you any closer to getting your channel monetized

Or they try and rely 100% on AI tools to help create their videos

Which results in low-quality content being made that struggles to even reach 10 views

The truth is that if it were easy to make money on YouTube

EVERYONE would be doing it…

So what’s the fix?

Respect the process…

Learn how to identify high-demand video topics

Develop or outsource high-quality scriptwriting skills

Spend time or money crafting engaging thumbnails

Because I can promise you one thing

Channels generating 100,000s of views per month

Are not using tricks or cheap tactics to get there

And are certainly not making their videos in an Easy-Bake oven

Mistake #2: Overestimating your skills

Many people wanting to start a faceless YouTube channel have the “I’ll do it all myself” mentality

I love this because it shows that they are willing to invest their precious time into building their channel

However, this approach falls apart when there’s a clear skill gap on the side of the creator…

Often those who “do it all themselves” end up making very low-production videos

Or try and take the shortcut approached mentioned above

For example, if you’re trying to compete with a channel like Magnates Media

One of the top faceless channels on YouTube

And you’re coming to the table with something like this…

You can’t expect to realize any appreciable amount of success on the platform

This is why you really have two options when starting a faceless channel:

1. Develop production skills that make you competitive in the market

2. Outsource to those with the skills you need

But how do you compete without a large budget or a high-grade production skillset?

You’ll find out in the final mistake…

Mistake #3: Not investing in learning

The more you learn, the more you earn

Corny - but true

From my experience, it’s those that invest the most that succeed the most and fastest on YouTube

For instance, those that work with me 1-on-1 in my Tube Launch program get monetized lightyears faster than those who don’t

But it’s not just about investing financially…

Those that invest their time into studying the market for gaps in content ideas

Or those who commit time every week to studying their channel’s analytics

Always get further ahead than those who don’t

On YouTube, knowledge is power (yes - another corny saying)

The great news about starting a channel in 2024 is that there are endless resources at your disposal

You can take courses, watch educational YouTube videos or read newsletters like this one to get ahead

In my eyes, it’s kind of like going to college

You start the journey knowing you’ll be investing 4 years and $10,000 to get the skills to acquire a $50,000+ job

It’s the same for YouTube

You should expect to have to put in the time and money to build up your cashflowing channel

And when this expectation is set and the investment of resources commences

Getting monetized and scaling up your channel to $1,000s is possible

Therefore, don’t take shortcuts, objectively assess your skills and invest in learning

And soon those monthly YouTube checks will be rolling in

Until next week,


When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch